This article is supporting information for The Pershivelt Theory.
I recently documented the symbolism in the short film “I, pet goat II” by Heliofant. This demonstrated a certain type of clever communication understandable only by those with a high level of enlightenment. Enlightenment, by the way, doesn’t mean being evil — it just means a high level of understanding across many different subjects.
I’ve run across other similar communications and there are likely many more that I won’t even try to find. There are too many — they’re all over the place once you start looking.
A couple of months ago, I found one so deep in meaning that I’ve struggled for a good way to present it. The amount of information involved is huge and an exhaustive analysis would be so long that most wouldn’t read it. It is also so subjective as to demand scrutiny. Most might have a hard time believing it.
So rather than even attempt an exhaustive analysis, I’m going to present it in an admittedly incomplete way and leave the final conclusion to the viewer/reader.
If you don’t agree with me, that’s fine. This is more about expanding people’s thinking than anything else. I make assertions in this document as if they are facts because it is easier for me to do so. These assertions are my opinions and nothing more. I’m not even going to exhaustively footnote this because it is an enormous rabbit hole. If I had approached this like I approached I, pet goat II, it would have covered the majority of the songs in the first two albums and would have been too long for mortal Humans to read. It may have also killed me. If you want to research anything I assert here, feel free.
Buyer beware.
My Chemical Romance

This emo rock band was founded on September 12, 2001 — the day after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York. The lead singer, Gerard Way, says he witnessed the attacks and it inspired him to create music about it.
My Chemical Romance (MCR) is a reference to The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz in 14591 by Johannes Valentinus Andreae. Mr. Andreae may have been the originator of the Rosicrucians, who are tightly involved with the Davidic bloodline — the descendants of Jesus. The band’s motif includes all sorts of Rosicrucian symbolism, which I believe is no accident. I believe the hidden force behind this band and their messaging is directed by this faction.
This book describes the four paths through life:
By us the Bridegroom offers you a choice between four ways, all of which, if you do not sink down in the way, can bring you to his royal court. The first is short but dangerous, and one which will lead you into rocky places, through which it will scarcely be possible to pass. The second is longer, and takes you circuitously; it is plain and easy, if by the help of the Magnet you turn neither to left nor right. The third is that truly royal way which through various pleasures and pageants of our King, affords you a joyful journey; but this so far has scarcely been allotted to one in a thousand. By the fourth no man shall reach the place, because it is a consuming way, practicable only for incorruptible bodies. Choose now which one you will of the three, and persevere constantly therein, for know whichever you will enter, that is the one destined for you by immutable Fate, nor can you go back in it save at great peril to life.
MCR’s singer is Gerard Way. The name Gerard means spear, strong, courageous. Combined with the last name, this would be The Hard Way. This appears to match the meaning of the first way described in the book (above.) In other words, MCR is a symbol for the hard way. A difficult path, but swift. Interesting. Maybe nothing — let’s continue.
Their first release was published through Eyeball Records. No Illuminati symbolism there! But even more of a tell is that they switched to Reprise Records — A reprise is a return to an original agenda. Surprise! Away from the eyeball and back to the original intent, you say? Sounds like getting rid of the Illuminati in favor of something older.
Album Art
The Black Parade includes some very intriguing album art, full of references which I won’t even try to enumerate. If you dig through every detail, you’ll find Davidic bloodline symbolism all over it.
The above artwork is full of symbolism. Note the red line going from the arm of the cancer patient (which I believe actually represents the indoctrinated population — the sheep), all the way back to the left. This looks like a bloodline to me.
Once again, I’m not even going to go through all of the symbolism - it would take me a week just to blather through it. The clock, for example, shows four directions — perhaps the four paths through life and/or the four cardinal directions. This is deep symbolism.
Gerard Way has said that his favorite David Bowie song is Ziggy. In a future analysis, you’ll see why that may be a somewhat important detail.
The conductor character at the front of the wide album art (above) was given the name “Pepe” by the band. Does anyone actually think this is a coincidence given what has been going on since 2017?
Overall Messaging
In any case, if you dig into this stuff, you’re going to find a mountain of symbolism.
Although the lyrics for their first album have similar messaging, I’ll focus on the lyrics of The Black Parade, released in 2006, five years after they formed. Almost every song has similar messaging. The band claims this album is about a man dying of cancer. They say each song was written to view this situation through a different lens or circumstance. An ardent follower of MCR might see this, but I don’t believe them. I find it very difficult to stretch what the lyrics actually say to mean anything even close to a man dying of cancer. Instead, I find something much more remarkable.
The lyrics appear to be a series of communications from the good guys to the bad guys in the epic battle we see in the world today. (If you don’t think there’s an epic battle happening right now, you should probably stop reading this now and catch up.)
It is fairly clear and repetitive — they say these things over and over. As far as I can tell, the main points are:
We (the good guys) are moral and that will never change.
You (the bad guys) are disgusting and your evil will kill us all.
We are going to destroy you (the bad guys).
There is nothing we (the good guys) won’t do to destroy you (the bad guys).
Destroying you (the bad guys) will destroy us (the good guys) and that’s just fine.
Welcome to the Black Parade is their most popular song and Gerard Way has said it was the first song the band worked on in 2001 when they formed, although it was originally called The Five of Us Are Dying. I find it very interesting that the band was formed the day after 9/11 and this song was the first song they worked on, only to take 5 years to release. All of this with the lyrics, album art and video imagery it was released with.
Take five minutes to watch it with the above in mind and then I’ll explain a bit more.
Welcome to the Black Parade
In my view, this song is a visual symbolic script for the psyop we’ve seen having to do with COVID and vaccinations. The patient in the video is the indoctrinated public, sickened by the food and medical industries. He is very sick from the bad treatment he has endured.
The song starts with the singer saying his father took him to see a marching band. An alternate meaning of band is group. A marching band can be the military — they are a band of people and they march. Did his father take him to see the military? Was his father asking him if he would overcome any evil in himself and fight the criminals of the world?
The video shows the band playing on a float, slowly progressing through a dystopian landscape of destruction. There are few characters of import and they’re obvious. I believe the band represents the military orchestrating (playing the music for) the psyop. The float is pulling a group of anonymous followers (anons) forward down the correct path.
The hospital scene shows the walls of the hospital fall down. I believe this is a metaphor for the walls of the artificial media reality dropping away. Notice how the doctor and the nurses all duck and shield themselves as if they’re being attacked by the truth. This precisely matches the psychology of the narrative about COVID and the vaccinations. Something changed and what was going on medically was no longer protected from The Black Parade.
The Black Parade, then, is a metaphor for the overall psyop playing out. Everything we’re seeing is faked in order to wake up the population. The anons are a big part of that.
The patient is played by Lukas Haas (who also played in the movie Mars Attacks). Lucas means Light and Haas can mean Rabbit. The character represents the indoctrinated masses who are woken up to learn about what is really going on. They are a rabbit seeking light. Or, the actor’s name is a coincidence. You decide.
Notice how the patient wakes up just after the walls of the hospital room fall. The expression on his face is one of awe and discovery. As he walks through the scenery, he looks carefully at things and walks around as a person would if they were seeing some new truth for the first time. This is exactly what has been happening with the population for the last five years regarding the discovery of corruption.
What are the other characters? The band calls the creepy female character in a gas mask Mother War. My, my, my…this is sounding less and less like a story about a guy with cancer…
Mother war represents the corrupt system we have been living under for hundreds of years. It is toxic, but we must face it and understand it. It has been revealed to us now. The two girls seen in the video are called Fear and Regret and are the daughters of Mother War.

Briefly, I’ll go through [some of] the lyrics and give some interpretation:
I believe this may be more about the military (a band of marching men) than a musical marching band. Being the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned and defeating demons sure sounds like a Davidic bloodline mission. The black parade is, in my opinion, the COVID narrative, vaccinations and the current (and obvious fake) psyop that is the main stream media and government.
The “she” here is the secret society system of the ultra-powerful. I think the meaning is that the system has historically protected the elite, but the good ones feel like they should leave it because it has become so corrupt. They just cannot ignore it anymore in good conscience. (One might wonder how they ignored it for so long. I suspect they feel quite bad about that. This may further explain what we’re seeing.)
The words “when you’re gone” indicate that the bad guys are going to be destroyed. The good guys will continue living and the people will never forget the damage the bad guys have caused (“Your memory will carry on”). I don’t believe the entire story can or will be told.
The bad guys have produced a world that does no good and will result in everyone dying. The only solution is to destroy the entire system (all secret societies) and make sure everyone knows about it. “Paint it black” refers to doing something covertly — darkness can mean hidden. In other words, the idea is to do this secretly — to lie about it as it is happening. The good guys won’t stop until this is done because they’re responding to what they see as their calling. Once again, this sounds very much like the Davidic bloodline carrying out their mission — to care for the people.
Some in the societies don’t agree with what’s going on, which likely applies to both what the good guys are doing and what the bad guys have been doing. Their faces may indicate disappointment. The good guys don’t care because they’ve made up their mind and are doing it.
The good guys are telling the bad guys there’s no way they will stop and what drives them is their hearts — something the bad guys see as a weakness. Again, they tell them this is for all the marbles — the whole world. They are not sorry or ashamed of what they are doing.
The scar reference is cryptic. There is definitely a reason for it, but I’m not sure what it is. It could be a reference to William Wallace (played by Mel Gibson in Braveheart). In real life, the story ended with Wallace’s head on a pike on London Bridge. Wallace was facially disfigured and had a huge scar going through his face. Perhaps this is a reference to the Wallace story — a patriot defending what is right. They do not see what they are doing as heroic, but instead, see it as a duty.
Or, perhaps the scar reference is about how the Davidic bloodline was deeply wounded by the behavior of the Romans 2000 years ago. I am not sure.
I’m not going to get into any more detail because doing so is so subjective. I’ve offered enough that if anyone wants to go through all of the albums and read all of the lyrics (as I have), there is no doubt in my mind that you’ll find the above messaging everywhere.
I do encourage you to pop up a web browser with the lyrics next to the video and watch the above song, reading the lyrics and pausing the video as you notice things you see. The message is pretty darn clear.
For my own amusement, I’ll leave you with one more compelling bomb:
On the album The Black Parade, there is a hidden track called Blood. Here are the lyrics:
I don’t think this is a coincidence. Given the penchant of satanists to consume blood (and lots of it), the combination of this hidden song and the lyrics on the rest of the album should be pretty clear. I encourage everyone to listen to the song, which can be found here:
It isn’t just this one song - it is the majority of them. I encourage you to watch Welcome to the Black Parade again. Freeze frames. Examine it. Step through single frames. You’ll find a ton of symbolism.
It looks to me like the ultra-powerful good guys are telling the ultra-powerful bad guys they’re doomed. They’re describing the COVID and vaccination mess we’ve seen, but more than 10 years in advance. It describes the psyop we’re seeing with this ridiculous media shit-storm as the black parade. Black symbolizes the unknown and what we’re being told isn’t true — what’s really going on is unknown. In other words, we’re currently living in a huge movie designed to wake us up. Surprise!
These aren’t accidents or coincidences, in my opinion. Someone spent a lot of time and effort making these messages coherent. What are the odds this would all line up with what has been going on over the last few years so accurately? Remember that Welcome to the Black Parade was published in 2006 — 17 years ago.
And with that, I’ll leave further speculation and digging to you, the reader. I’ve spent way too long on this and have other more pressing things to do!
If you are sufficiently masochistic with your time, the band 30 Seconds to Mars appears to be the bad guys talking to the good guys and telling them how none of it matters anyway. I’m not spending another minute digging on it, but I’d bet one of you will! Good luck!
I expect to publish a very detailed analysis from a completely different source from 2000 soon.
- sapioplex
The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz on Wikipedia:
Love this. Every song on the album makes sense in this current context. I think you might be dead on about your 30 Seconds to Mars theory.
Analysis is amazing. The symbolism in this video and especially the sequencing doesn't feel like pure chance. Seems very mindful. Also...lead singer looks incredibly pissed off, which to me, speaks to the true emotion behind the lyrics.
So many of MCR's other songs have lyrics that appear to hold meaning outside of a simple pop song.
Amazing insight.