I love this! Thanks for having the courage to play and predict that is unlikely to most. I noted that Trump yesterday posted about the eclipse being "the most important moment in human history" AND has Star Wars/ Star Trek styled music. When I saw that, I thought your theory was seriously gonna happen. There is little doubt that they are bringing attention to space, for some reason. Good job on doubling down as well. Love it.

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Apr 9Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

Some dude's left nut appeared on Mexican TV coverage of the eclipse, so there's that...

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Yeah, weird, right? For what it's worth, I think it was both nuts. But two each their bone...

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Apr 10Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

What if, there is too much good or awakening energy (FWIW) here that the plan is thwarted? Hang here....the Yellow Submarine piece you did........I wanted to say something then. The bubble at the end, with the Beatles in it, and 'all there is is love' to ME, simply showed that the whole time of the story the

'higher selves' or the 'reality' was all just fine and in its bubble, while all the strife went on.

Same here....all the world's a stage and NONE of this is real, but what is underneath/above.

How do all these main new events disappear by day 2? or, how did Maui become nothing?

All of this is illusion, and we keep 'biting' but in the meantime, there are the joyful Beatles singing

'All there is is Love'.

Just sayin'

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Apr 9Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

Thanks Guys! It's coming and I don't doubt it one bit. Keep an eye out. 🧐👁️‍🗨️

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Apr 10Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

I shared your timeline as well. I don't mind being wrong. It's humbling. It made me revisit some things. The use of these false flags are to regain command and control. This will happen after they appear to have completely lost it. They being the DS. You and I know they have already lost it but the normies aren't aware. We have to think on terms of where they are as a whole. It must be observed a certain way, right?

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A great director knows how to elicit the desired interpretation from the audience

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Apr 9Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

Speaking of aerosols, from where I viewed the eclipse, the sky appeared clear before and during the eclipse. However, within minutes, the sky began filling up with that wispy aerosol crap. What's that about?

As far as I am concerned, you guys have done great. I am getting a lot out of this. Muchas Gracias

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Operation Sedation: Preventing Humanity From Eating Its Own

The sky over me in MN was completely overcast but the stoning continued throughout and is especially intense for me today.

Thanks for the kind words!

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Apr 10Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

You are most welcome, kind Sir.

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Shite happens man... but as you say, it's the sequence of the events and their impact, rather than the timing. Thanks for the balls to write this up and JF's declaration of being a Gefälscht/Schwul (<shoulder shrug> )

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We were laughing so hard we were crying while we were choosing the images for the section on criticism...it probably took half of the time to curate that section... Life's too short!

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Apr 9·edited Apr 10Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

Seen other predicters on the net go into a face saving tizz and blaming outside evil forces etc.

Good to see you are human and both kept a sense of humour about it : )

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What's funny is we screwed up exactly one detail: The exact time of the appearance of aliens.

That's actually only one detail in the whole thing. We're much more interested in the rest of the strategy, which we both thing is brilliant.

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Fake and ghey, bruder. Happy to self-deprecate.

Self-defecating, however, is right out.

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LOL pleased to hear you're keeping clean

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Apr 15Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

Yes, I was disappointed to not see “aliens” popping out, but here in Central Tx the clouds parted liked Moses and the Red Sea just in time for a spectacular Eclipse. And there are wild theories abound on that too! As far as dates, I yield to your more researched educated guesses than my own. Keep ‘em coming! 👍🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼😎👽

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Apr 12Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex

Best double-down EVER! LOL

Looking forward to the next issue!

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Wish granted.

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Apr 26Liked by Sapioplex

You might want to check this guy out.

He's been decoding symbols for years and has hundreds of decodes.


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Information overload.

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Apr 26Liked by Sapioplex

I really think you should read through it.

He's spent years cracking the same system you've uncovered.

Start from the latest posts and work backwards, he's gotten a lot better over the years.

He's done a lot of the legwork, and he's got a very in depth comm confirmation process.

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Apr 26Liked by Sapioplex

You'll find answers to the questions you had in your learn our comms videos.

E.g. mickey mouse ears symbolise large ears to hear. Google Dutch Acoustic Listening device.

The reason the mouse ears were so prominent in yellow submarine is because the Beatles symbolise 'bugs' as in bugging your phone. They were the comms vehicle for bugging the enemy.

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Apr 26Liked by Sapioplex

P.s. I love your work.

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And where does the gospel fit into all this? I think you are pushing a "special knowledge" to lead people astray. You are basing your opinions on movies. How gullible do people have to be to believe this?

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Apr 9·edited Apr 9Author

Oh, Sheila.

We've based our theory on a mass of information that happens to include macro patterns, historical events, movies, music, and Dr Seuss.

We're not trying to lead people anywhere. As a matter of fact, we strongly suggest that people do not follow us blindly but rather determine for themselves the things they choose to believe.

Your question about gullibility conjures for me visions of Alanis Morrissette, but that's a topic for another time.

Live long and prosper, Sheila.

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Apr 12Liked by JFAnon, Sapioplex


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Well, now people know what you think. Bravo.

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Apr 10Liked by Sapioplex

You have obviously not read from the begining. How are they"pushing" anything? You must also have missed their disclaimers. Do you really want to discuss gullibility? Let's hear your take on everything they have discussed. We will see the gullibility bleed off of the texts and characters you use. It will be DOA from blood loss.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Author

I think you're spot on. It is really easy for one to criticize others when they haven't done much (anything?) to substantiate an alternate theory. One wonders if people even bother to fully read through what we've written.

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