Sometime in the winter of 2012 or early 2013 I was doing new home construction for a very kind older doctor. The first thing he introduced me to was the book revolution by Ron Paul. As I read it and reported back to him when I was learning he soon let me view some other things that he was interested in. He showed me this film. He burned it on a DVD so that I could take it home. At this time I was fully involved and trying to understand 9/11. This film was like a bomb in my brain. I've thought about it for years. You're analysis here makes so much sense to me. That's crazy for me to think that I had not sought out any other input on this film, I not even sure why. I'm sure there are subreddits etc. I'm clueless now as to why I did not. Curiously enough I saw an X post about a guy named Joe Rambo. That led me to his podcast that you were a guest on. When you mentioned this film and your decode I was stunned. I view the awakening is very painful. I want it so bad. I want enlightenment and understanding for myself and others so bad. I wish I knew even how to put my own thoughts on the matter together. I admire your ability to do so. Great work.

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Thank you for the kind words. I'm really glad my analysis resonates.

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Paul, you just about nailed this. I agree with just about all of your thoughts. Some constructive thoughts for consideration: 1) I do not believe that any belief about Jesus Christ and his life (and death) is needed to understand what this "Communication Op" is communicating. 2) I believe that "Dead Jesus" as you call him is simply the dead hopes and lives of the world under evil and satanism. 3) Black Mary Magdalane is clearly holding poison. But why? I think it is because she is actually part of the evil and using poison and "playing the victim" that her child died to further her own and satan's ends much like the Socialists and Communists due to blame others for what they themselves have done. 4) I am not opposed to the thought of the David line but I think the better view is that Lilly is the 13th member of the class/last supper. She is different than the rest. So, I think one of the "13 Satanic Bloodline Families" that run the world has potentially flipped. But we don't know which one....yet! Again, this is a great start to a big conversation and hopefully better exposure to human spirits everywhere.

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Thank you for your feedback! I'll try to hit each point.

1: I believe that in order for organized religion to crumble, there must be something that convinces people they don't need it. That would most likely be evidence of corruption with the aim of control and it would have to be a massive scandal. The reveal about the crucifixion would be big enough, IMO. If you have an idea of a scandal that would be big enough without involving this, I'm all ears.

2: The figure in a Pieta is, by definition, Jesus (feel free to look it up.) There are hundreds of Pietas and they all have the same meaning. The figure could symbolically mean dead hopes/lives of those living under Satanism, but that add information to why a Pieta was used to convey this message.

3: I disagree about the Black Magdalen being evil. For that to be true, then the Vatican would have to be a force for good since they've been fighting each other for 2000 years. Additionally, this meaning would remove some of the coherence of the narrative implying that the Davidic bloodline is related to it.

4: Months ago, I also thought we were seeing individual bloodlines battling it out. However, I've since revised this thinking because the Satanists are a separate dimension who infiltrate all of the bloodlines. You can see this easily in the Kennedy bloodline - some individuals are good and some are bad. When you trace bloodlines, you can see them crisscrossing through time. I've tried to figure out which bloodlines are good and which are bad and every time I tried, I ended up with good and bad in all bloodlines. It makes much more sense to me that we're seeing the good members of all of the bloodlines fighting off the bad members of all of the bloodlines.

This last point is actually quite interesting if you think about Trump constantly reminding us of when "he came down that golden escalator." I believe this is a metaphor for the members of the bloodlines walking away from the secret societies completely.

Whew! That was a lot of information! Thanks!

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Nice work Patriot

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Thank you so much.

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Great job!!

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Thank you!

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Read every word and this is a good summation of what appears to be going on. Thank you, I would never understood it.

The China, Russia, Mexico military working with the US military part, it was great to see someone else think it!

Prince Harry may be cooperating by distancing himself.

Israel manipulating the US has been obvious awhile, but when US Special Ops went in, I knew human trafficking was being stopped, the hacked fiber optic to collect US data from GCHQ was being destroyed and database servers in the tunnels destroyed or collected.

Great read Paul!

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Thank you, Donna!

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This analysis is hopeful, thank you.

Daniel has been reviewing I pet goat for years. Here's a link to his recent decode where it points to a time-frame of September 23, 2023. For attack on New York, seems as "shark" is involved. Is there a rocket/bomb/submarine named "shark". Putins??


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Reports Heilofant they've removed the web site and youtube videos last week.

The week.before 9/11 2023.!!!

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Yes. I replaced the link in my series with a different copy. It appears the Streissand effect is in motion. ("Thanks, Q!")

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Also, I wish I could do a single subscription. I do not like getting monthlies or annuals forever. Very hard to manage and get rid of. I would like to be able to fund with single payments.

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Honestly, I haven't even looked at the options available for substack. I expect you should be able to turn that kind of thing off in the settings somewhere.

I haven't turned on any monetization at all. Substack doesn't even have contact information for me other than an email address. I'm not sure how I'd even get money from this... I'm doing this for free because it was easier than developing my own website to publish articles.

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re: ufology — check out work by dr steven greer. high quality, long-term analysis, most excellent: https://twitter.com/drstevengreer


have fun!

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three typos:

1) … take us into a transhumanist dystopia through the use of AI and they think it makes they’re going to become gods. <--"makes?" you probably meant "means."

2) This scene starts with black and white striped fish swiming up … <--two "m"s in swimming.

3) … you don’t need men in funny outfits to tell them want to think. <-- WHAT to think.


interesting analysis, otherwise. i completely disagree with your assertion about UFOlogy, but the rest is insightfult. thanks.

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THANK YOU for noticing these typos. No matter how many people proofread it, they always miss something! :)

It is OK to disagree. We'll see about UFOlogy! (Stay tuned.)

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I don't trust Steven Greer at all. I intend to discredit all of them in the future.

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This part was enlightening, I have never been into the UFO thing but just recently watched Steven Greer being interviewed by Jason Shurka, I have watched all of the Disclosure interviews by Jason Shurka and am not completely on board with any of it being factual, I have a wait and see what happens vibe about the subjects, so I am glad you have mentioned this UFOlogy so I can use discernment on this subject. Loved this decode, I have watched this many times and has been such a puzzle, everything seems to be riddles these days.

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