Standard preamble: (1) These are my opinions and nothing more. I could be wrong about every single assertion I make. Deal with it. (2) Do your own research and come to your own conclusions like a functional adult.
This article augments The Pershivelt Theory. If you haven’t yet read it, please do.
Me, Thinking Outside of the Box
Philosophical Speculation
This article is some extreme speculation based on a combination of a deep philosophical conclusions and the patterns I’ve derived over the course of my life, especially in the last 6+ years. Keep that in mind. I also have to thank
, who I talk to regularly about this stuff and without his input, there is no way I would have been able to put all of this together so quickly. I love you, man…I believe I have determined the structure and philosophy of the Master Keeper, as mentioned by Ozzy Osborne in the controversial song Suicide Solution. You won’t find a lyric video of this song, which is very odd since it is so well known and was the subject of a wrongful death lawsuit in the 80’s.
Evil thoughts and evil doings
Cold, alone, you hang in ruins
Thought that you'd escape the reaper
You can't escape the Master Keeper
- Bob Daisley (for Ozzy Osbourne)
Initially, this set of lyrics reads like the grim reaper and the Master Keeper are the same thing. But what if it isn’t? Why is Master Keeper capitalized. Is there something more here?
I believe Master Keeper is a name for a different organization. I believe it is the organization that has quietly run the entire world for longer than recorded Human history. The lyrics above aren’t talking to you, they are talking to criminals and telling them that there’s no way their evil attempts to control the world will succeed because there is an even more powerful structure that runs the world — the Master Keeper. Later on I’ll rename this group to The Zoids.
This idea of a super-powerful organization by itself isn’t all that difficult to grasp, but to fully understand why this isn’t just another speculation requires a deep understanding of philosophy combined with some deductions about how such an organization would have to behave. Their philosophy defines their guard rails, which defines and limits the behavior we should expect from them.
Pyramids vs. Trapezoids
Over the past year, I noticed an odd detail regarding pyramid schemes in the media. In two places, I’ve found references to “trapezoid schemes” as a playful replacement for pyramid schemes. This happens in Bustin’ Loose (Oz Scott; 1981) and also a very short clip in The Simpsons below.
These stuck out to me as interesting because they’re so absurd. It could be just a spin on pyramid schemes, but it feels like there is more to it.
Everyone I know of thinks of the Illuminati pyramid as being pointed at the top. But even on the back of the $1 bill, it has a flat level below the eye. This makes the shape a trapezoid instead of a pyramid. I think this is the reason for the above entertainment scenes.
This led to me considering that the hidden hierarchy (pyramid) might not actually be pointed at the top. Perhaps it could be a flat top with equal peers at this top level.
In a military hierarchy, there is a supreme commander at the top of a pyramidal structure. He is a dictator. This would not be such a structure. Instead, it would have to have more than one person at the top and all of those people would necessarily be equal.
How would such a command structure work? Would they be democratic? Possibly. I think it is actually looser than that.
This leads to a very deep game theory problem. One that is naturally resolved as I describe below.
Deep Philosophy
I could write several books pontificating on philosophy with lots of words as countless people have already done. I’ll leave reading them to you.
Instead, I’ll jump right to what I believe is the crux of the biscuit, so to speak (Frank Zappa; 2016).
Descartes pointed out that only two ideas are actually knowable — you exist and you think. Everything else is unknowable.
What we see today is that the information space has been filled with (hilarious) absurdity, unlike any time in Human history. I believe the reason for this is that the Master Keeper is teaching us a very important lesson. This lesson is to take Descartes seriously.
This leads to some initially horrifying conclusions, the most subtle of which, I believe, is the philosophy of the Master Keeper itself: The only rational position to hold is neither good nor bad. Instead, it is neutral.
We find ourselves in this universe with no answers to any questions. The only things we can be sure of are that we exist and think. Everything else is an opinion.
Note how this philosophy does not address the notion of good versus evil. Those things are opinions. This actually makes perfect sense since no individual can know whether or not other individuals even exist. How can good or evil exist outside one’s self in a universe with only one individual? They cannot. Since you cannot prove there are others, you cannot prove good or evil actually exist.
Unless you are highly enlightened, your mind is reeling and every part of your emotional fiber is screaming out in pain, rejecting the above as obviously absurd. You KNOW it is WRONG. You can FEEL it is WRONG.
But here’s the problem: YOU ARE WRONG.
Your feelings are a result of (a) being an emotional Human and (b) the sum of all information you have consumed since you were born — perhaps even while in the womb. This includes all sorts of opinions foisted upon you by others. You accepted these opinions as the truth, even without thinking through them. Humans do this.
You cannot know whether or not these ideas are indeed correct or incorrect. All you can know is that you exist and you think.
So you find yourself in this universe, existing, thinking. Nothing you want to know is actually knowable. What do you do? What is the best thing to do?
I’ll answer this in a bit.
Evil / Moral Crime
Evil (and therefore moral crime) is the easiest extreme to explain. Basically, it means doing things that people consider immoral. Doing things like murdering people, stealing property, lying to gain advantage. These are all crimes against morality.
Note that I didn’t say law. Law is a separate layer — it is the formalization of rules presented as moral rules, but often not moral at all. Government is easily corrupted and so is law. For this reason, we should ignore law completely here as a separate topic and contemplate only morality.
For an act to be evil, there must be a victim. If there is no victim, it is impossible to claim morality has been violated.
Good / Virtue
Good is the opposite of evil. People think of this as things which help someone instead of hurt them. The beneficiaries of these good deeds are anti-victims.
Knowable Good / Evil
Since Descartes is correct, there can be no such thing as knowable good or evil. It simply doesn’t make sense.
Sure, we can assume what we see around us is real and apply a healthy dose of our opinions to rationalize either good or evil behavior. But make no mistake — these are opinions and nothing more.
You may have heard the expression “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” It would be very wise to heed the meaning of this expression. You have to be very wise to fully understand this and you’d better be very careful if you want to avoid accidentally hurting others when you’re intending to help.
You Are Not Alone — Others Exist
If what I’ve said so far is true, then under what philosophy can anyone operate in the real world, maximize efficiency without accidentally making a situation worse. What philosophy is the wisest? What philosophy always works the best?
Let’s make one single assumption beyond Descartes. Let’s assume as a matter of fact that other Humans exist. I think we can all agree this is a reasonable position to consider when it comes to contemplating appropriate behavior toward others. After all, if others don’t exist, then there is no reason to contemplate behavior toward them.
If others exist, then any action we take could be good or bad depending on all of the information available about the situation. This is why it is so important to be neutral — it enables you to consider possible scenarios that incorporate all actions — even those that might individually be seen as bad. The final outcome of the plan might be an enormously good outcome that would not be possible without the individually unethical moves. Once again, the ethics of the overall plan boil down to trolley tests (see below.)
Most people understand that there are circumstances where doing an otherwise bad act can be the most moral action overall. Lying to protect someone’s life from a known criminal, for example. Lying is immoral, right? Oh…except when there is a greater good that results. Everyone understands this.
I posit that within the framework of Descartes, the only philosophy that will always yield the most positive outcome for Humanity is to be neutral about good vs. evil when planning every decision you make. This enables you to find more complex strategies that contain some temporary downsides, but with much better outcomes.
Much like a game of chess, both sides must lose pieces to win the game. Chess masters plan strategies that win after they’ve lost most of their pieces. This is the only way to play against masters. If you’re not willing to lose pieces this way, you will lose the game.
Trolley Tests
If you are not familiar with trolley tests, please see this and read about it before you continue. You need to fully understand this concept because almost everything you think you know is an opinion, almost every decision is a form of a trolley test.
For every action you are considering, it is possible that in order to achieve the best outcome, you may need to consider performing the most repugnant, immoral-looking action imaginable. If the overall outcome is good enough, the immoral act will be seen as justified.
Expand your thinking.
For example, if you know person A intends to kill 100 people, the most moral option may be to shoot person A in the head before he can kill those 100 victims.
Would this not initially appear as cold-blooded murder? Perhaps. Would it be worth it overall? Perhaps. Your mileage may vary.
Do you see how this works?
Acceptable losses are a real thing. Sometimes you have to break eggs to make an omelet.
If you are fixated on being a criminal, you’ll almost always go for the short-term win for yourself. Criminals tend to be narcissistic. This childish thinking is driven by the primitive brain and is 100% emotional thinking — not rational. Criminals will always be less powerful than the Master Keeper because the Master Keeper has more allies and a higher purpose.
If you are fixated on being righteous, you risk playing the chess game without being willing to lose pieces. Like a child, you won’t be willing to make losing moves in order to win the overall game. Once again, this is 100% emotional thinking — not rational.
Remember, if you put too much weight in something that is unknowable, you are limiting your options. In fact, thinking of a decision and having to be good or bad is a weakness because it biases you away from all possibilities.
Knowingly being bad without a constructive purpose is really stupid. It is for the truly retarded. Satanists fall in this category. But even trying to be good all the time is a weakness because it biases you away from some possibilities.
Consider, for a moment, what would happen if with every decision you made, you were contemplating from the standpoint of having an enormous amount of information about Humanity and the universe. You had so much information that you could plan large scale strategies for hundreds of years into the future. (This actually happens, by the way.)
Because you understand that both good and bad are inherently biased toward self-limitation, you always stay 100% neutral and don’t really see options as individually good or bad. Instead, you consider how efficiently you can reach your goals. Since life is essential, you must protect Humanity.
So what goals are possible from such a reductionist standpoint?
Well, back to Descartes, there are two other tidbits of information revealed by Descartes thinking: Life exists and information exists. The facts that you can know you exist and that you think are, in fact, hard evidence of life and information.
So to summarize, we know we exist, we are alive, we think, information exists and we can reasonably assume others exist. What is the most conservative, safest, most prudent (moral) way to proceed?
I suggest the primary goal ought to be the preservation of life and the acquisition of as much information (knowledge) as possible. In other words, LEARN. The availability of more information enables one to make better decisions. More people makes gathering information more efficient.
Since others exist, enabling others to make better decisions (provided they have the same philosophy), would clearly be more efficient. Through experience (more information), these people would quickly learn that groups of people can collect more information faster. They would ally with each other to attain this goal.
What would the primary goal of this information be? Life. Without life, you cannot have Descartes. Nobody would be here to think were it not for life. Therefore, life should be protected at all costs because without it, none of this can matter.
So at a base level, life is more important than everything else. Information is also secondarily important. Above all else, these are the two things which must be protected. Sometimes some information is worth losing life and other times some life is worth losing information. Trolley tests.
If you have a 100% neutral position on good vs. evil, then you have maximized your flexibility to do anything necessary to preserve life and information.
There is literally nothing you would not consider as a way to maximize life and information. You are not blinded by bad things (seven deadly sins), and you are not blinded by indignant self-righteousness (being a know-it-all zealot.) You are more of a hyper-efficient machine that makes the best decisions possible to advance both life and information collection.
And that’s a good thing. Arguably the best thing possible, at least in a knowable sense and without those pesky opinions.
Does this philosophy not make Shakespeare more meaningful and transparent?
[Them] — The Master Keeper?
We’ve all heard the stories and by now most people believe exactly what they’ve been told. Everyone has been looking for [Them]. There must be a club — some sort of spooky secret society where membership brings unimaginable advantages over the rest of the unwashed masses. These evil people prey on children, they perform rituals, etc. We are always told that this evil organization controls almost everything.
What if this is bullshit?
What if this is a lie — a ruse to trick the evil and stupid into showing themselves so they can be systematically destroyed. A lie that casts an unbelievably evil light on criminals to turn the populations against their vile acts against Humanity. This would advance life and information collection by those who are truly neutral — the Master Keeper.
I’m going to propose there exists a completely different type of organization nobody has yet contemplated. For reasons you will see below, this organization doesn’t even exist.
Imagine for a moment the conditions necessary to become successful: You must be smarter than most around you. It also helps if you possess huge amounts of wealth. I argue that without very high intelligence and a huge amount of wealth, you are weaker. You need both to play at the top. Ergo, those at the top have both immense wealth and intelligence.
Over time, the smartest individuals and allies would be the most likely to amass large amounts of wealth. Sure, there are criminals who can organize structures to collect wealth at the expense of those below them. They can even do this quite quickly.
But what of those who are even smarter? You don’t have to be smart to be a criminal. Indeed, I posit that criminals are the stupidest people on the planet. It takes a really intelligent person to be successful and defend against criminals at the same time. And we do see this happen around us. It appears rare because those at the top prefer to be hidden.
If you were a very intelligent and wealthy person, would you seek fame? No. Fame makes you a target for criminals. Instead, you would hide and spend some of your energy defending against criminals who were trying to steal your wealth.
And now we get to the nut meat.
Sometime before recorded history began, the smartest people realized everything I’ve described so far. They know criminals exist and they know the self-righteous among us (the majority) are too biased to fight off clever and ruthless criminals. They learned how criminals think. These geniuses understood that the best way to preserve life and information overall is to quietly wait until they can identify the criminal structures forming. Once they detect them, they set out to devise strategies to destroy them. They may even use their resources to present fertile ground for criminals just to seek them out and destroy them. This is the definition of a sting.
Infiltration, both early and complete, would be a natural tactic to use. Any new organization can be a threat against Humanity. They would infiltrate them all, just to see what was happening and make sure they were aware of everything going on.
They would need to do this secretly because the best ways to destroy the criminals (preserving life and information) may often look like crimes to the self-righteous and ignorant majority. Even the Master Keeper infiltrators could often have to look like criminals in order to continue to monitor the overall situation. They could not broadcast what they were doing because those same self-righteous and ignorant majority would blow the secret, leading to the criminals being more careful. It had to be done secretly in order to work.
In this situation, you must hide, or all of the do-gooders will wrongly condemn your actions because they cannot see past the ugliness to realize that what you are doing is the ultimate good. If the do-gooders understand the trap, they will all confidently talk about it and destroy the trap.
This solves the game theory around how the world actually works. Above any formalized agreement is a body of people who naturally form alliances for the common goal of preserving Humanity and learning. This provides an amazingly powerful force that will adapt and change as necessary to meet any challenge that would stifle it. If criminality increases, the neutral will ally against it because they understand what is at stake — everything.
But How Are They Organized?
They aren’t formally organized. This is genius. They know about the core neutral philosophy and can easily detect each other. They constantly play word games. They make stupid and foul jokes because they are quite funny. They like saying the word “shit”. They make up things like Monty Python.
They have common goals and they can see when their neutral peers have the same goals. They talk about it. They form associations and alliances. They get to know each other. But they never form a club. Why? Because a club is a weakness if your goal is to preserve life and information collection. It is much more efficient to stay nimble with as few rules as possible, invisible to those who would be so naïve as to create a club.
Sometimes they disagree about methods or strategies, but they respect each other for having similar goals and they all try to maximize life and learning.
You can think of their goal as “advancing Humanity.” Whatever advances Humanity is good and everything else is less good. At the very least, efficiency is paramount. How this is done is always deliberate and may include elements of good deeds and bad deeds. Whatever works the best is arguably good overall.
If one of these powerful factions should succumb to the temptation of the seven deadly sins, the neutral will immediately notice it. This corrupted faction would be seen as stupid and without purpose. They become the enemy of life and information. They will lose their alliances one-by-one. They become a faction that the rest of the neutral parties must disable because their actions are not pure and they remove resources from the pursuit of life and information.
In this environment, the entire world is a field of wealthy advocates for life. When criminal structures appear, they react accordingly to remove the inefficiency.
The criminals don’t understand that the stakes are infinite. There is literally nothing the Master Keepers won’t do to protect life and information collection. Why? Because there is nothing else at the base of their philosophy. There exists no other purpose. To exist intelligently is to protect life and information collection at all costs.
We (
and I) call the people at the flat top of the pyramid “Zoids”. Collectively, they form the Master Keeper. They control Gort (our term for the allied military surveillance state as described as part of The Pershivelt Theory). The most powerful Zoids likely don’t even think in terms of money because they have so much power so as to be able to arbitrarily create and destroy wealth as desired. Allied with each other, they control just about everything. They have historically done this secretly so as to most optimally identify and destroy criminals and do-gooders who would otherwise slow down Humanity.I’ve long said that if a person is visible, they have no power. I was wrong. Some Zoids are willing to be visible (Warren Buffet and Bill Gates, for example.) Most likely prefer to be invisible. It actually makes sense that some would be visible since having prominent figures who can broadcast their allied messages would be useful for their ends. I have no idea who the most powerful Zoids are, although I suspect they’re not visible.
Remember, the criminals cannot see the Zoids, at least thus far in history. This is because criminals are retarded — that’s why they’re criminals. However, the Zoids have left us a breadcrumb trail. This is why
and I were able to find them. Many are from the Davidic bloodline which runs from before the Egyptians all the way through the Carolingians, Charlemagne and the House of Habsburg to the Merovingians, House of Burgundy, House of Orange all the way to Theodore Roosevelt (see The Pershivelt Theory.) The Pilgrims (both the settlers and the secret societies of the early 1900’s) were almost certainly mostly Zoids.There are likely many thousands of powerful Zoids — maybe 10’s of thousands. Many of them would act evil because they’re playing their parts in elaborate strategies to disable those who threaten the overall wellness of Humanity. We see that playing out now in perhaps the most severely distorted crime-fighting psyop in Human history. The Zoids eliminated the Prussians (see Prussiagate for a breathtakingly detailed account of these asshats.)
The Pruns were eliminated many decades ago. So why is the world still so fucked up?
I’ll address this in the next article.
Be A Zoid
Interesting — and perhaps most shockingly — there is nothing preventing anyone from being a Zoid. If you have little wealth, you won’t have much power. However, the larger Zoids will notice you if you’re doing the right things.
All you have to do to be a Zoid is to adopt the philosophy I’ve described. It is incredibly simple.
Ally with Zoids. If you value Humanity and learning, then they’ll likely help you and you might not even realize they’re doing it. In other words, advance Humanity and you’re a Zoid. Zoids help Zoids because there is nothing more important. Deep philosophy.
Once we arrived at this philosophy and understanding, the world suddenly got incredibly comfy. We are now not worried about anything we see. It is all little shit and it is all a big show. Our greater purpose is to protect Humanity and collect information (translation: LEARN.)
Zoids are purely neutral, but at the base of their simple philosophy is the absolute importance of advancing Human life. This is arguably a good thing. Just don’t think everything they do will appear to be good on the surface or you may misunderstand them.
There is nothing they won’t do to protect Humanity. That includes what would appear to be atrocities to a naïve observer — most people who have no idea about the bigger picture. What are the alternatives to such an atrocity? What if the alternative is a much bigger atrocity? Would you know it? Or would you scream for the wrong people’s heads and actually hurt Humanity in the process? Be careful what you wish for.
Expand your thinking.
Zoids are definitely not bad guys — their goal is to protect Humanity and discover the secrets of the Universe at all costs. If they weren’t there, I’d argue that Humanity could have easily extincted itself several times already.
Live life. Make puns. Enjoy the show in the swamp of flogs and cloaking (frogs and croaking, for God’s sake.)
In my next article, I intend to expound on even weirder speculations on what I think the Zoids have in store for us — the purpose of this massive shitstorm we find ourselves in.
- sapioplex
is a phag.Post-publication Bonus Addendum:
Look at the following picture of the Great Seal of the United States again:
Notice how the physical structure below the eye is a trapezoidal polyhedron. It is clearly flat on top. The eye above it is a flat illustration — clearly not a physical object.
The word pyramid is likely based on the word pyre. A pyre is a large pile of wood used to burn one or more dead bodies. The word mid was a proper word long ago and meant middle. In this rendering, the trapezoidal shape could be seen as a container of people in the middle — those not quite smart enough to overcome the Zoids at the top. The criminals.
I posit that the eye is the Zoids; they are very intelligent. They see the criminals in the structure below them. They have constructed a trap below them — a trap of the Zoids — a trap e zoid.
The whole Illuminati structure and all propaganda around it was always a trap and a pyre to burn the criminals with, with the Zoids happily sitting at the top watching over everything.
Have a nice day!
This idiot has totally lost his mind this time.
What a phag. Disappointing.
You're a phag