This article is supporting information for The Pershivelt Theory.
Standard preamble: (1) These are my opinions and nothing more. I could be wrong about every single assertion I make. Deal with it. (2) Do your own research and come to your own conclusions like a functional adult.
What is a Phonograph?
I never intended to become a historian and I don’t consider myself one. However, I’ve had to do a lot of digging into many things to figure this stuff out. Over 25,000 hours of digging. So here’s some history for your face.
A phonograph is a machine that can replay audible sounds that have been recorded with a machine.
In 1807, an English physicist named Thomas Young discovered he could record the movements of a tuning fork.1 At this time, there was no way to replay the recording as a sound.
This led to the invention of the phonautograph by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville in 1857.2
The phonautograph wasn’t precisely the phonograph that we know today, but it was the first device that could replay audio recorded with a machine. It used a recording medium that was terrible and the playback quality was very poor.
This invention led to later inventions, including the phonograph patented by Thomas Edison in 1877.
The modern phonograph we’re familiar with is essentially the same as Edison’s 1877 phonograph with the exception of playing flat vinyl discs (records) rather than wax cylinders. The technology is essentially identical.
I’ve included the predecessors of the phonograph in order to demonstrate the timeline — from 1807 through 1877.
I believe the operative time frame for the purposes of this article to be in the 1850’s.
Why The Phonograph Matters
Before the 1850’s, the available evidence for criminal prosecution was witness testimony, documents and objects presented as evidence of a narrative. Essentially, witness testimony was good and documents were the best evidence.
In this document, we’re going to talk about how this affects the richest people in the world — the people who run the world. I’m talking about the fantastically wealthy here. These are the people who can buy judges, fake documents, buy off judges and lawyers, etc.
For all of recorded history and before, the above forms of evidence were the backbone of the application of law and justice. The rich had a lock on how this system worked and they had their minions and toadies in place to make sure that they could do whatever they wanted. When the law stood in their way, the standard tricks applied and they almost always got their way.
But then one day, it was demonstrated that a machine could record audio — something that had never happened in Human history. A machine could record reality in a way that could NOT be faked.
This was a BIG problem for the criminals who ran the world. This new genre of machine had to be controlled.
With all previous inventions, this was not a big deal. The printing press was controlled by controlling the manufacturing of the presses and the publishers — no problem. Similar things can be said about the inventions of the clock, navigation devices and inventions of all categories.
In order to understand why, we have to dive into the esoteric philosophy of the super wealthy secret societies.
What is Dualism?
Dualism is the philosophical notion that in order to have good, you must have evil — and vice versa. For longer than recorded history, this notion had been the backbone of the highest level thought. Nobody thought otherwise. We see deception in all of nature and so a balance between truth and deception seemed perfectly reasonable. It was considered an immutable axiom to those who knew best — the priests of the esoteric mystery schools.
So in the highest echelons of power, there was a choice that each elite practitioner needed to make for himself: Be good or be evil. There were advantages and disadvantages to each proposition. But everyone assumed there had to be a balance of power, so each side thought they were somewhat cozy with whichever choice they made.

The two factions tolerated each other.
The Phonograph Melted Everyone’s Head
And then some asshole had to invent a machine that could record reality.
You have to understand that the phonograph destroyed 6000+ years of balanced good and evil. It was unthinkable and nobody saw it coming before 1807.
The good people were very likely running huge industrial operations that contained both good and evil factions. And that was just the way it was. If this new kind of machine were to advance technically, it could be recording all sorts of reality. That evidence could be used against good people! If there was anything bad happening in their organizations, then that evidence could be used against them! The only option was to cleanse their operations of all of this evil.
The bad people only cared about not getting caught for their crimes. If this technology advanced, it could totally destroy them in court. The only option was to completely control this new genre of technology. There was no other option.
But the good guys realized that the bad guys would understand this. The evil factions would be forced to completely control all forms of this technology, and so they would do anything to control it. This meant the bad guys would start doing very bad things — much worse than before — just to control all new inventions like this. They had no choice!
And the bad guys realized that the good guys knew that they knew.
Take a moment to soak in the deliciousness of this situation.

In a flash (geological time), dualism was dead. It was no longer assumed that there would be a balance between good and evil. Good must destroy evil or evil would rule the entire world. Evil must destroy good in order to control all new recording technologies, or good would convict them of their heinous crimes against Humanity.
If evil wins, everyone will die.
If good wins, almost everyone will be happy.
It was the 1850’s. Good vs. Evil — start your engines.
Game theory. There are more good than bad.
What Recording Technology Means
The very brilliant analysts and technologists available to both the good and bad in the 1850’s would have been able to project certain things about recording technology. They would have almost immediately known that the fidelity of the recordings would become extremely good. They would have known that the ability to cheaply copy recordings would quickly improve.
Within a few decades — late 1800’s — they would have been able to see that electronics was going to make it possible to copy recordings around the world almost free of charge.
By the early 1900’s, these talented analysts and technologists had knowledge of the field effect transistor (FET)3, although I believe the FET was known before 1925 as Wikipedia claims. Also lesser known inventions like the transformer-based magnetic amplifiers (switches) meant that the best technologists would have been aware that computers were about to happen.
It wasn’t just about audio — it was about storing and processing data of all kinds.
So in the time frame of about 70 years or so, the elite were first worried about high quality audio evidence, which almost immediately (geologically) turned into control of everything.

In short, what started as a neat way to record sounds almost immediately turned into the biggest nightmare for both the good elites and the bad elites — simultaneously.
What fun that must have been!
So Overall, What Happened?
I suggest watching the video series “Learn Our Comms”. Earlier this year (2023) I was introduced to a gentleman named John (@JFAnon here.) He’s much more the historian than I and we’ve figured out a lot of the final theories of this together. After having figured a lot of this stuff out, we were approached by a talented woman named Kaity, who goes by the handle DefenderoftheRepublic on Rumble. She has started doing interviews with us in order to document what we’ve found. You can visit her Rumble account here.
To see an overview of the history, please watch episodes 1 & 2 of Learn Our Comms. You can find them here:
Please DO NOT watch these out of order and watch episodes 1 & 2 before watching any of the other episodes. (If you do, you may think we’re insane.) Once you have the historical background of episodes 1 & 2, however, you will understand how all of this is possible.
You can find subsequent episodes beyond 1 & 2 by scrolling through Kaity’s Rumble feed. It is worth it, so I’m told.
Brief Explanation of Q
Without getting into the details, I’ll give my basic overview of what’s going on with Q to the best of my understanding:
First, this isn’t the first Q. I believe there was one earlier (successful) Q deployment which was responsible for eliminating overt slavery from the world. But I digress…
Q is an effort by the good guys in the esoteric mystery schools — the super wealthy and powerful elite people who have historically run the world. Or, at least the good guy part of it all. The bad guys aren’t Q — they hate Q because Q has destroyed and is utterly destroying them.
The scope of Q is bigger than anyone without inside information could imagine in 2017. I’ve figured much of it out, but it took me 6 years and over 25,000 hours of effort. I still have only fuzzy understandings of most details. I could be wrong about parts of it, but I think I have the general structure correct. This is some very difficult stuff to understand. I believe it is very likely that details about more than half of the Q operation will never be revealed to the public. It will simply not be findable in the future.
Sometime in the mid-1800s, Q was deployed to utterly destroy the Satanist bad guys. It isn’t quite over yet (2023) but we’re getting very close to the end of the operation now. I would guess we are within years of its completion, or at least a big reveal of its existence and scope.
This means Q has been active for something close to 160 years.
In the mid-1800s, almost nobody knew much about the secret societies or of the prevalence of Satanism in their ranks. In order to win, the good guys had to familiarize the population of the world with Satanism and how it works. Without doing this, they could not win. So, they quickly sought to completely control the media. (They did this and most of the bad stuff you’ve been seeing from the media is the good guys acting like bad guys. For decades. They’re putting on a show so you’ll understand it. You’ll thank them later once you understand it.)
They infiltrated the bad guys. If you’ve read my last article about karmic retribution, you will understand that the only reason you know about Satanism is because Q filled the media with information that taught you about it. Otherwise, you wouldn’t know about it and the bad guys would have won.
In order to infiltrate the bad guys, they had to act bad. Very bad. They literally had to emulate the bad guys and lure them into traps. This has been going on for over 100 years as far as I can tell. In one of our videos, I’ll reveal what I think Q’s RED OCTOBER references mean, which is directly related to this bad acting. What better way to reference bad acting than a bad pun?
In the early 1900s, the good guys had engineered the situation such that they could involve the United States military through General Jack Pershing. They had Teddy Roosevelt as President — I believe this is why Roosevelt is on Mount Rushmore.
Fast forward to World War II and Q is now in full force and other militaries are involved — specifically Russia and China (and maybe others.) These militaries may have been involved earlier, but I haven’t found specific evidence of it.
After World War II, things keep ratcheting up with the advent of television, the creation of the NSA, NASA, etc. Then Kennedy was allegedly assassinated (*cough* body double *cough*), etc. There is too much to cover in this article.
Watch the Learn Our Comms episodes if you want more. You’ll find out that the movie Yellow Submarine is a script to what is happening with Q and much, much more.
The weirdness of this whole thing is off the charts. The whole point of Q is so unbelievable that it forces you to have to think for yourself. And that’s exactly what you should do — think for yourself.
So that’s how the phonograph created the absolute shit-show you’ve been suffering through.
Go listen to a record.
Have a nice day.
- sapioplex
Here I was slavishly reading your substack in order...and then I come to this article, and I laughed. You were so patient with my comment guessing photography. You are an excellent teacher. And after reading your argument, I cannot disagree. I'll just put this information in the file untill I find something more convincing that will dislodge it.