This is a very interesting and plausible possibility. Well written!

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Thanks. I literally barfed it out and published it. I'm kinda "over" the whole "being careful" thing. :)

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Thanks for this. Saw you on Rambo today and venturing down this rabbit hole. Cheers.

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It’s an excellent theory with a lot of food for thought. Thanks! Also enjoyed your article about waking normies. The Rambo show turned me on to your work and I’m looking forward to where this all takes us.

I do have a couple questions to throw in the mix for consideration.

1. What about the possibility of highly advanced civilizations, not from around here, messing with human DNA which led to our current situation?

2. The original “secret societies” may have been more interested in genuine enlightenment than control, power etc., via genetic engineering. They may have kept knowledge secret simply because it was beyond most people’s interest or comprehension. Over the centuries, psychopaths like Aleister Crowley (sp?), may have been interested in their secrets for very different motives. The ruling class has always owned or usurped “mass media”, which in itself is enough to control an entire planet.

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1. The odds of aliens being here are astronomically low. The odds of aliens ever finding us are astronomically low. Therefore, it is astronomically more likely that it can be explained without that. It turns out, that's what we've done. We prefer not to entertain theories that aren't explained without aliens or so-called "supernatural" explanations because there are an infinite number of them and they're all infinitely improbable.

2. If you keep expanding your thinking, it makes the most sense that ALL of the organizations (secret or not) had to have been infiltrated and controlled from the top. This means that regardless of what these factions say, there is a hidden agenda behind all of it. This appears to be the only explanation that doesn't have any logical problems with it as far as we can tell.

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1. With an infinite number of galaxies, timelines etc etc, it doesn’t feel all that improbable to me, but in the Big Picture….does it matter?

2. What I’m suggesting is the original “factions”, i.e., secret societies, may have been co-opted rather than infiltrated. But again, we’re squarely into speculation, for which I have diminishing interest.

Hopefully this Theatre of the Absurd will be bringing down (or raising) the curtain asap.

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