This article is supporting information for The Pershivelt Theory.
Standard preamble: (1) These are my opinions and nothing more. I could be wrong about every single assertion I make. Deal with it. (2) Do your own research and come to your own conclusions like a functional adult.
Editor’s Note 3-1-2024: Since writing this article, I’ve revised my opinion on how the world actually ran for the last 6000+ years. This article describes how the world was made to appear, but is not who ran the world. In my revised opinion, Satanism was greatly exaggerated as a boogie man in order to carry out the Great Awakening operation. See Introducing The Zoids for my revised opinion on who has actually run the world for 6000+ years.
Satanism, also called “The Old Religion” has been around longer than recorded history. Many claim it has been around much longer than monotheistic religions and even polytheism. I’m not going to be providing references for this article as this is a macro overview and I’m just not that motivated. You’ll find plenty of research on the details in other places on the intertubes.
You’ve probably heard before that the world has been run by a secret death cult (“Satanists”) for thousands of years. Some say 2000+ years, some say 6000+ years — it is very difficult to know for sure. I believe it is 6000+ years and my reasoning has to do with the Egyptian legends and writings about Isis, Horus and Osiris. There are also pre-Egyptian texts that describe other things that indicate to me that the worship of evil was in place well before what we now see as “Egyptian times.”
How could it be that a secret, evil cult has ruled the world? What caused it? I’ve never seen anyone write an essay on how they think this could have happened.
This is my theory.
The Forming of Secret Societies
At some point, someone figured out they could breed animals for specific traits. It could be size, shape, color, intelligence — just about anything you can think of.
I believe this innovator, excited about his discovery, approached the ruler(s) of his people in order to curry favor. Perhaps it was to offer a gift of a specifically bred dog — we will never know. Essentially, this would be the discovery of selective breeding.
Rulers, being very intelligent, would have always been on the watch for innovative new ideas with which they could better rule their people and gain advantages over neighboring rulers. When the news of this selective breeding process reached the ruler, it wouldn’t have taken much though for the ruler to want to know if the same breeding process would work with his offspring. This would be highly advantageous to keep his family in power, to outsmart or overpower neighboring peoples, etc.
This is the kind of innovation that could be very powerful. I expect the breeder was given whatever resources were necessary to carry out experiments with breeding.
This whole notion would have been very likely to have been very controversial with the people the ruler oversaw. It might have even been heretical depending on the belief systems in place at the time.
So, it seems extremely likely the ruler would have kept the existence of this “project” a secret known only to those who needed to know about it. Think of it, if you will, as the most highly kept secret at the time.
Because of the time frames involved in determining the outcome of each generation of offspring, an entire structure of secrecy would have been implemented in order to carry on this innovative process. It would have been almost completely passed down orally in order to avoid the risk of records escaping. If someone says anything to anyone, they are killed. It would have been that simple, because we’re talking about succession of the rulers.
Although they might not have realized it yet, they had started a breeding program that would essentially create supermen. Do not underestimate the power of selective breeding. They could breed for intelligence, strength — any attributed they wanted. And, of course, they would.
This is, I believe, the origin of secret societies at the highest level.
It isn’t evil yet. In fact, the people doing this were likely good people who were interesting mainly in protecting their people.
The Mystery Schools
Although it is secondary to this essay, I’ll include here that I think the scientific process of learning and recording the nature of reality started in earnest at this point. At least the secrecy part of it. The same people — the rulers — would have wanted to know as much about everything as possible. The existence of this hermetic society would have been the natural place to start experimenting and recording advanced information about everything — chemistry, deception, weapons, trade secrets, etc.
This would have birthed the mystery schools, which amount to alchemy (chemistry) and magick (deception.) There is nothing special about these things, but many have made a lot of money convincing others it is special. In my opinion, it is all just parlor tricks and technology beyond the understanding of the observers.
The technology these priests of the secret societies would become incredibly well versed in how to accomplish things through the most deceptive of practices — when necessary. This doesn’t mean they were evil — yet.
The ability to selectively breed the most intelligent rulers and strategists, and the most fierce fighters is an amazing advantage. Mix in advanced deception and scientifically acquired knowledge of all things imaginable.
This was a recipe for disaster if someone was willing to be immoral.
Advancement of Secret Societies
Over time, these practices would have been shared by neighboring rulers to solidify control and expand their empires. Arranged marriages could have been part of the deception and added another layer to the practices of keeping power consolidated where the rulers wanted it.
Essentially, if you were a ruler without these tools, you were at a severe disadvantage. And because of the multi-generational nature of the societies, the powerful factions didn’t have to be in a hurry. They could wait a generation or two for the right moment to use their advantages to expand their influence.
The Forming of Evil Secret Societies
It wouldn’t take all that long for a true psychopath to end up in their ranks. Genetic regression toward the mean says that at some point, a psychopath would be present and undetected. Psychopaths don’t value morality — they only care about winning. Give them advanced trickery and they could be very dangerous.
A psychopath raised in the environment of this secret practice would see the massive advantages available to them with selective breeding and access to the most advanced technical knowledge in existence. They would have access to the advanced information recorded in the mystery schools.
At some point, I believe a psychopath formed a parallel sect of this secret behavior, unannounced to the others in the groups. This new sect — even more hidden than the original group — would copy, collect and separately advance the art.
How would they keep it secret from the others? They would worship evil and require their adherents to perform the most foul acts of violence and perversion possible. Once you have participated in such a practice, you would be immediately vulnerable to being exposed to moral people as a criminal. Your life would be over. The only option would be to keep it absolutely secret.
The evil worshiping psychopaths had one tool in their toolkit that the moral secret societies did not — the absolute threat of death by the entire population if they were discovered. This ensured that their practices would remain secret — more so even than the original secret societies.
Unlike the “good” secret societies, the evil secret societies have absolutely no moral filter at all — they will do anything to gain power and influence. They will blackmail people, they will extort, they will steal, they will kill, they will frame people, … the list goes on forever. Their entire worldview is upside down.
From a game theory standpoint, this is a favorable position with one very powerful requirement: For the bad guys to win, what they are doing and even their existence has to stay sufficiently secret. As soon as they are known to exist and have the behavior they do, they will fail. This is because there are far more good people than bad people. The bad people cannot withstand a knowledgeable population standing against them.
This is “The Old Religion.” The death cult. Satanism. Luciferianism. Worship of evil and/or darkness.
So for thousands of years, this sick cult has run things behind the scenes with amazing amounts of power and control. It has morphed through the ages and refined its behavior. See for an excellent set of articles about the last 400 or so years of it.
The House of Cards Falls
In the future, I’ll likely write about what I believe was the technological discovery that sealed the fate of the death cult once and for all. It will surprise you how simple it is. Here’s a hint — this became obsolete in the 1800’s:
Until then, let’s just say that the moral people realized that it was necessary to kill off the death cult. What we’re seeing in the world now is the result of a very long operation (150+ years give or take.)
It isn’t over yet, but as the absurdity continues, it is guaranteed to raise a smile.
That’s a nice yellow color you have there…
- sapioplex
This is a very interesting and plausible possibility. Well written!
It’s an excellent theory with a lot of food for thought. Thanks! Also enjoyed your article about waking normies. The Rambo show turned me on to your work and I’m looking forward to where this all takes us.
I do have a couple questions to throw in the mix for consideration.
1. What about the possibility of highly advanced civilizations, not from around here, messing with human DNA which led to our current situation?
2. The original “secret societies” may have been more interested in genuine enlightenment than control, power etc., via genetic engineering. They may have kept knowledge secret simply because it was beyond most people’s interest or comprehension. Over the centuries, psychopaths like Aleister Crowley (sp?), may have been interested in their secrets for very different motives. The ruling class has always owned or usurped “mass media”, which in itself is enough to control an entire planet.