A very sensible timeline. If it is incorrect, it would be a shame because it plays out the best possible scenario. Loving the humour injected into these articles.

The only way out of that `slightly gay' insinuation is to always claim, "My boyfriend is gay, but I'm not." 😂😂😂

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Yeah, the biggest question we have tried to answer is "How are they going to fix this mountain of corruption without it taking generations?" This timeline would do precisely that in a way that is extremely elegant in all ways and also very difficult to predict. That is why we're so confident about it.

It is only gay if you make eye contact.

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Stop it! 😂😂😂😂

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You had me laughing thru the whole article! 😂. I'll refrain from throwing rocks at the alien ships. Maybe I'll write 4POG with ag lime in 6' letters out in a field. 😂😂😂

Thank you both for the time and effort. The 4-6% lost, I thought would be die hard Democrats believing in Biden, instead of the religious. Although I think many Christians in my area will not waiver on scriptures.

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Thank you, Donna! I'm sure there will be plenty of videos online showing people getting fried for shooting at aliens. Be aware of special effects capabilities.

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1) So, there is a possibility that y’all are fake and ghey? 😉😂

2) Whew, at least I am safely among the 17%ers!

3) Let the games begin! 🖖🏻👍🏼😁🐸❤️

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Well, we know we're not fake and ghey, but we don't expect anyone to believe that...

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You opened the door, fren, I just walked through it and took it to it’s natural conclusion! If you don’t want me to insert my smartassery, you should know better than to tweak it! 😂

I love how you write...I always get a giggle, but this one was loaded with them!

Thanks for all you guys do!

You know I love y’all and mean it! 😉❤️

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It's all good. Smartassery is the elixer of life!

Thank you for the kind words!

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Such a fun possibility, and certainly many of the ingredients are in place, or pretty close. Thanks for sharing.

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Yeah, it would tie up all of the loose ends nicely and quickly.

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I truly hope the aliens are more believable than the ones in Killer Clowns from Space. Those were ridiculous to the point of not even being funny!🙄 I’m ready for whatever, my buttcheeks are buckled in!🤣🤣🤣🤜🏼💥🤛🏼👍🏼🇺🇸🙏🏻

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I think the alien show will be incredibly real looking. The real "glue" to mold people's beliefs will be the torrent of videos circulating online, which will be largely special effects.

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This article could be subtitled "Going Out on a Limb." I applaud your boldness, sirs!

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We have no fear. Worst case is we're wrong, which is the normal state of being Human.

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I like it.

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Why, thank you!

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This is so well written! Love your style.

This is so logical indeed. Yes, you could be wrong on everything. But wouldn't it be wonderful if you are spot on?

Question, though: is there really an active Brunson case still sitting at the USSC?

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Danke schön.

Whether we're right, partially right or totally wrong, we've based this on a combo of facts, macro-patterns, and rational analysis.

Brunson appears to be ruled on, decided, done...perhaps the Pythons would call it an ex-case. However, the Constitutional thing about SCOTUS is that they have absolute power within the Judicial branch. If they choose to revisit a petition for writ, it would be unprecedented for sure, but not outside their vested power as defined in USCON.

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Read it again!


Mamaw 😉

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Z zzz was c im

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