Standard preamble: (1) These are my opinions and nothing more. I could be wrong about every single assertion I make. Deal with it. (2) Do your own research and come to your own conclusions like a functional adult.
In my previous article 2024 Election, Trump and Datefagging, I made a lot of predictions, most of which I still agree with. This article serves to revise that set of predictions with a wonderful scenario that
and I have found that is so perfectly formed and absolute as to be just as certain as we are about our own heterosexuality. We simply cannot conceive of a way this isn’t correct. It is so beautiful, perfect and complete as if to have been carefully designed to be exactly this way. But beware, it is theoretically possible we could be a little gay.With that in mind, hey…we could be wrong. But fuck it — who cares?
This isn’t a complete analysis of everything that could happen, but gives some meaty bits for your brain to ingest like a snake trying to eat a capybara. We’re sticking to the obvious stuff, but there could be 100x more details that could happen. We don’t know. Time will tell.
Buckle your butt cheeks, we’re comin’ in…
Premature Ejectulection
Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson will be voted out of the speaker’s chair sometime before the middle of April. We think this makes the most sense before April 8th.
Killer Clowns From Outer Space
Flying saucers will appear and hover all over the United States and possibly worldwide on April 8. This is the date of the (overhyped) solar eclipse, which just so happens to pass through all sorts of towns with biblical names.
Relax. We don’t think there are aliens here and there won’t be for the forseeable future. However, nearly everyone in the world will believe there are aliens here.
So much for rational thought. Wait…how much of the population is incapable of rational thought? Nevermind.
This “alien” presence will cause an enormous distraction for the next step.
We think Biden will claim there are no aliens when 60-70% of the US population will literally see them with their own eyes.
By the way, this isn’t projected “Project Blue Beam” laser projection bullshit. This is actual, physical flying saucers doing things that experts say Humans do not have the technology to do. (Spoiler: They do, but that’s another story.)
Grab some popcorn and watch them. They won’t hurt you. Enjoy the show.
The aliens will tell us that if we do not stop our violent and childish criminal ways, they will kill all of us rather than risk having us enter space with such violent attitudes. When they leave, the aliens will invite Humans to come find them in the galaxy once we have grown up. Don’t believe us? Watch the original 1951 version of The Day The Earth Stood Still.
SCOTUS Impossibru!
The Supreme Court will rule on 22-380 (see below) and/or 22-1028 in favor of the Brunson Brothers. This will remove Joe Biden as President, Kamala Harris as Vice President, about half of the House of Representatives and 85% of the Senate, and the entire line of succession for the Presidency. This ruling will cause a Constitutional crisis in that there is no mechanism specified by the Constitution to lawfully fill the position of President.
Note: 22-380 is closed according to Raland Brunson. See for more information.
The Supreme Court will realize this and will order a solution. Because of the short time before the 2024 election, their solution will be to order the military to uphold the law until a new President can be lawfully sworn into office.
Before you claim that SCOTUS cannot do this, I will remind you that SCOTUS can do whatever they want. The only recourse is impeachment by Congress and the ruling will disable Congress. Read the Constitution.
POTUS and Congress Sperg Out
Biden and Congress will ignore the Supreme Court decision and claim that the Supreme Court does not have the authority to rule this way. Political absurdity will ensue.
Military Will Follow Constitution And Therefore SCOTUS
The military will disagree with POTUS and Congress and will take over operations of the Executive branch of the United States as ordered by the Surpreme Court.
This will be highly entertaining.
Military Has Lots Of Attorneys
Under the Law of War Manual (Chapter XI - Military Occupation), the military will go much further than people expect. They will interpret any violation of law actionable and start arresting and prosecuting people immediately.
Holy mother of God! Consider how much of the government is illegal! Mein sides!
Hundreds of thousands of arrests.
Media Initially Won’t Report
The media won’t report that the military is doing all of this. Because that’ll make it look like the media is corrupt. Like clockwork.
Military Will Ingest The Media
Under the Law of War, military will take over control of network media and start reporting truth for the first time in living memory.
This will likely be quite boring programming, but dense with lots of factual statements. Supplemental information will be given on websites with extremely well prepared and well thought out legal rationalizations for each action.
Most people will watch Netflix instead because it is easier to lick windows than to contemplate reality.
Agencies Take The Forever Nap
The military will find most federal agencies either totally unconstitutional or in a state of having overstepped their lawful boundaries and will disband or severely curtail them. We expect a lot of agencies to be nearly or completely eliminated.
For example, we expect the Internal Revenue Service to cease to exist due to the lack of proper ratification of the 16th Amendment. This kind of action will be justified by exhaustive legal rationale offered transparently by the military.
This will gut the federal government. No one will complain except layed off federal employees and total retards.
Dead Mercenaries
We believe over the last several years, thousands of military aged men have been paid to enter the United States and cause damage. This was a honeypot operation to get them into the United States. The Military knows where they are, will seal the border arrest them all and execute them as enemy combatants under the Law of War.
This is essentially a form of low-grade eugenics. If you’re an asshole who is willing to kill for money, then you die. Brilliant and welcome.
No Brakes On This Rape Train
Once SCOTUS makes this ruling and the military agrees, there is no primitive of law that can stop it. If the military accepts the order, then:
The appearance of aliens is a serious philosophical catch-22 for those who believe in the divinity of scripture. There are two groups, both of which must disbelieve in the divinity of scripture after seeing aliens in real life:
Those who believe aliens are here: This group must reconcile why there is a more advanced species of creature in the Universe when the Bible does not mention it. Did they have a garden of Eden on the planet they evolved on? The conceptual problems are endless.
Those who believe the alien shit-show is fake: This group must reconcile that putting on the alien shit-show is clearly more difficult and costly than the ancients making things up in books. The conceptual problems are endless.
We predict most people will stop believing in the divinity of ancient scriptures as a result. Only a few, perhaps 4-6% of the population, will cling to the divinity of scripture into the future.
What the military is about to do isolates Trump optically. This enables Trump to side-step any criticism and just move forward once the majority of the work is done. It makes all of the law enforcement apolitical by law. Trump will inherit a country that is back on track with an economy that is white hot. We suspect he will offer military intelligence help to all other countries to eliminate their corruption as well.
For what it’s worth, we also expect Trump to say “Fuck around and find out” at some point in an interview. Why? Because it would make for a great script.
Every attorney in the United States will see executions for specific crimes and will be very unlikely to be willing to engage in these crimes in the future. Seeing the executions will be a huge deterrent to future criminal aspirations.
Since almost everyone will believe aliens are real, visited us and invited us to join them peacefully, almost everyone will want to fund the exploration of other star systems to find our friendly alien bretheren. This is how we get Star Trek. Did you think Space Force was a coincidence? Or did you realize it is the foundation for Star Trek’s Starfleet?
The rest of the world is watching and will see what is happening in the United States. We’ve been seeing mass protests worldwide for years now. Those countries’ populations will demand a constitution similar to the United States and we think the United States will help. We fully believe this change will pan across and change the entire world.

This guy looks exactly like what you’d want the guy in charge during this shit-show to look like:
- sapioplex &
A very sensible timeline. If it is incorrect, it would be a shame because it plays out the best possible scenario. Loving the humour injected into these articles.
The only way out of that `slightly gay' insinuation is to always claim, "My boyfriend is gay, but I'm not." 😂😂😂
You had me laughing thru the whole article! 😂. I'll refrain from throwing rocks at the alien ships. Maybe I'll write 4POG with ag lime in 6' letters out in a field. 😂😂😂
Thank you both for the time and effort. The 4-6% lost, I thought would be die hard Democrats believing in Biden, instead of the religious. Although I think many Christians in my area will not waiver on scriptures.