Standard preamble: (1) These are my opinions and nothing more. I could be wrong about every single assertion I make. Deal with it. (2) Do your own research and come to your own conclusions like a functional adult.
Author’s Note: My predictions in this article have been updated in my newer article, 2024: Military Killdozer.
Here we are in January of 2024, licking our mental wounds from 2023 — the year of pain. I spent the year uncovering The Pershivelt Theory with
. Overall, 2023 was a good year, especially if you enjoy mental anguish.Game theory dictates that as we near the end of this shit-show, the number of possible future scenarios will decrease over time. As this happens, the ability to predict the outcomes become easier and easier. It is getting easy enough now for me to start making more aggressive predictions.
Everyone in cyberspace says you shouldn’t datefag, or make predictions about when or what is going to happen. Through this last 6+ years, I’ve continued my datefaggery and I’ve been mostly wrong — but not always. My rationale is simple: If I’m not using my frontal lobes to predict the future, then what are my frontal lobes for? If you think this through, you will realize that predicting the future is one of very few things your frontal lobes are actually useful for.
The real reason people say to not datefag is because being wrong will hurt your reputation and maybe your feelings. Well, I don’t care about my reputation because I don’t really care if people like me. And I don’t think with my feelings. I’m me and that’s that. So I will continue to datefag.
To those who feel the urge to criticize me for this: Get over yourself. Being willing to be wrong helps one learn. People respect those who are willing to be wrong and are honest enough to put their ideas out there in the face of possible criticism.
In the spirit of irritating as many egocentric morons as possible, this article is a MASSIVE datefagging bonanza! Enjoy!
The Scare Event
Q referred to the “scare event” and everyone has speculated on what it means.
I believe it isn’t a single event, but a combination of many apparently horrible things all happening at the same time. A really bad set of circumstances that shocks the shit out of most people. I’ll quickly run through what I think these things are most likely to be:
Nuclear War: Russia attacked Ukraine. Iran and Israel are now at war. China and Taiwan are about to be at war. Pakistan doesn’t like India. India doesn’t like China. North Korea has nukes and doesn’t like South Korea. Russia, Iran, Israel, China, Pakistan, India and North Korea all have nuclear weapons. We have already seen the escalation of war in Ukraine and Israel and I think we’ll see the rest shortly. Thing is, the United States is on at least one side of every single one of the above conflicts and will be stupid enough to look like it is willing to get into multiple nuclear wars.

Financial Crash: The markets worldwide are not only hanging by a thread, but the analysts in-the-know are scratching their heads wondering why the whole system hasn’t already crashed hard. I think something will start a clear crash at exactly the right time and that crash will look like the end of the financial world for most people.
Corruption On Display: The “news” at this point is so obviously fake, most thinking people cannot believe what is happening. The corruption is obvious, the people one sees in the “news” are obviously corrupt. Nobody can figure out why it is happening. This trend will escalate until the “news” is less believable than a Ren & Stimpy cartoon.
Election Fuckery: There is a constant stream of information available showing that the election system in the United States is corrupt as all hell. This will continue and may even escalate as new information comes out. Somehow, it will just keep getting worse.
Pandemic Bullshit: We may get yet another pandemic. How’s that Disease X workin’ for ya?
Pointless Argumentation: The information space (social media, etc.) has filled up with (what appear to be) idiots arguing over a ton of topics that don’t really matter. The topics aren’t things the vast majority needs to be thinking about in an environment where the above problems are looming. This pointless conflict will continue to escalate (see Ren & Stimpy reference above.)

At some point, these problems will appear to be so severe that the average person on the street will genuinely believe that their individual life is in danger, they will be bankrupt, everyone with power is corrupt, the elections are screwed, we’re all going to get a disease and die, and everyone else seems to be a complete idiot.
Is it even possible to come up with a bad scenario which could make this situation worse? I don’t think it is, actually. I think this salad of misery was carefully designed by a very talented team of psyop guys at Fort Riley.
How Do You Wake Normal People?
If you ran the world, how would you change the thinking of billions of people who have become complacent with the existing system? You would have to do something to show them that thinking works better than not thinking. But how do you do this?
In order to teach simple lessons, parents lie to their children all the time. Little white lies. They’re made for good reasons and they don’t hurt anyone.
Look at the scare event pattern in the previous section. If you can get the average person to believe they have to take action or they and their families will either die or live a horrible existence forever. If you can do this, then you can get people to look around and figure out what to do.
So, you put all of the information out there and then you scare the shit of of them. They’ll finally look around and decide what to do based on the information you’ve put out there for them to find.
This is a show designed to teach people to think. Many brilliant people spent many decades to set this up. It is a masterpiece of manipulation, but for the good of Humanity. I believe it is the largest such show in Human history. Hopefully it will be the last we need for a very, very long time.
What Will 2024 Bring?
And now, for the meat.
Normally, I wouldn’t publish this kind of brain-dump because it is wild speculation. However, there is a lot of information backing it and I figure in for a penny; in for a pound! I couldn’t really care less about being wrong, so I might as well throw some spaghetti at the wall and if I’m lucky, I’ll be right about some of it. Or not. Time will tell.
Escalating hysteria. The information space (news, social media, etc.) will continue to be filled with hysterical, absurd messaging until no thinking person can possibly believe most of it.
Wars, pandemic and corruption will escalate.
Trump will become Speaker of the House. He had the chance to do this in 2023 when Kevin McCarthy was ousted, but backed Mike Johnson instead. I believe this was because the timing wasn’t right yet.
Wars, pandemic and corruption will escalate.
Trump will accomplish a TON. As Speaker of the House, Trump will solve several problems and show the population how a good speaker should behave. Everyone will be amazed. This will increase Trump’s lead in the 2024 election.
Wars, pandemic and corruption will escalate.
Financial markets will start to crash, BIGTIME.
Bad guys will appear to be about to remove Trump. I have no idea how this will manifest, but it would be a perfect plot structure.
Wars, pandemic and corruption will escalate.
Supreme Court will rule on 22-380 (and possibly 22-1028) in favor of Brunson. This will remove Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, 70% of Congress and Donald Trump will become President instantly. Most pundits believe this is impossible, but they’re wrong. Read the Constitution.
Trump will immediately diffuse the wars. This will likely be done in 24 hours, just like Trump has said explicitly many, many times. Liberals will gnash their teeth and make bad memes but some of them will actually notice and appreciate it. Later, they’ll be unable to ignore it and they will have to give him credit for it.
Trump will severely blunt the financial crash. Initially, the media will say his plan will fail, but after 2-3 months, everyone will be convinced his plan worked. This will set him up for a landslide victory in the 2024 election.
Election fraud will become proven. Trump may use this to order that the 2024 election be carried out by the military. Alternately, he may allow the election to proceed and then later order that it be redone by the military. Either way works.
Trump will win the 2024 election by a landslide. This is either via the military on the first round or the military will run a second election immediately afterward proving the election fraud. Either way works.
After January 20, 2025, Trump will drop the hammer and eliminate the corruption problem, including the pandemic bullshit. I have no idea what the details of this process will be or how long it will take.
Brunson Cases (SCOTUS 22-380 and 22-1028)
In regards to the legality of SCOTUS being able to rule on these two cases, the common arguments are statutory. Constitutionally, SCOTUS can do whatever it wants and the only recourse is impeachment of Justices by Congress. However, since either 22-380 and 22-1028 would remove 70% of Congress, there wouldn’t be a Congressional quorum for a fairly long time. This would leave Trump in total control to do whatever he wanted in the meantime. If you don’t think this is possible, read the Constitution. Remember, every single statutory argument is 100% impotent against the Constitution. I’m not wrong on this.
Another argument is that the Supreme Court has already closed these cases. This appears to be false. Neither case is marked as closed or ruled on. Additionally, the 22-380 case has mysteriously had one of its two additional petitions disappear. At some point in late 2023, the second petition disappeared. This is highly irregular and suggests that the court intended to hide it. This could be because they acted on it without reporting it normally because they considered it to be a rule 11 case. I do not believe there is ever a normal reason a previously shown petition would ever disappear from a docket, but it happened. Note that this petition was to be in conference on March 17, 2023. (There’s that 17 again.)
If either of these two cases were ruled on as matters of national emergency (rule 11), then the Supreme Court can do whatever it feels is necessary, all law be damned. Put another way, there are no rules to govern what they can do. They can lie to us about the cases and they can break their own internal rules. Raland Brunson said that 22-380 was originally going to be accepted because it was a rule 11 case and then was finally accepted as not a rule 11 case. One of the Brunson brothers later claimed that 22-1028 was officially accepted as a rule 11 case and claimed to have a copy of the cover showing as much. A rule 11 case must be handled by the court before any other cases can be handled.
In other words, we don’t and can’t know how the Supreme Court has or will behave with these cases because they may have been treated internally as rule 11 cases.
My professional analysis of the cases is that they are extremely well written to do exactly what I have suggested above. They are not like typical cases that make it into the Supreme Court’s docket. I’m no attorney, so my analysis may be shit. Buyer beware.
Other Fear Porn
There has been a lot of chatter about coronal mass ejections (CMEs) threatening to disable the power grid, like the Carrington Event in 1859. However, if this were to be used as a psyop, NASA may announce a huge CME, then they could shut down a lot of the power grids in the country and everyone would assume a CME had hit. When they light up the power grids again, everyone who bought into it would get a fish slap, which might be the intent. Let’s see how it plays out.
The weather has been extremely cold all over the country for the last few days and it is possible we’ll see some extra misery as a result. Global warming, of course.
There has been an ongoing narrative of terrorists sent through the United States’ porous southern border by various super-evil enemies (Iran, etc.) Will we have a bunch of events made to look like terrorists shooting everything up? Will it compare to the seven non-binary mass shooters we’ve had in a row? Given their tiny population in the United States, does anyone realize that the odds of seven of these shootings in a row being non-binary is many trillions to one — if there is no demographic difference between a non-binary person and a binary person? (What does any of this even mean?)
It is quite possible that we’ll see some curve balls in the coming year. We will just have to see how it all factors into the narrative as we go.
What Will Trump’s 2nd Term Bring?
And now, for the real crazy predictions!
Among other things, we’ll get sixteen new freedom cities, according to Trump. (More on that and VTOL vehicles later.)
I think Trump will establish a Federal ID. Any holder of a Social Security number (or EIN) can get a Federal ID. This will be required to vote.
Once the Federal ID is established, there will no longer be a need for states to require state IDs. Of course, they can do so if they like, but their populations will demand they stop because it is redundant. I predict all of the states will instead just keep track of which citizens have a license to drive. Computers make this effortless — it is just a number in a database.
One of the most intriguing things I believe Trump will do is to make several major changes to the United States monetary system:
Back the Dollar with gold.
End fractional reserve banking. (Au revior, Federal Reserve.)
Create simple Treasury accounts for every US citizen.
Add Treasury account services to the United States Post Office.
Federal ID (SSN) will be used for identification purposes.
Imagine each Social Security Number comes with a Treasury holding account via the Post Office. The accounts do not pay interest - they are essentially a checking account, possibly without checking services.
This change will rightfully destroy the common meaning of the term “Savings & Loan.” The new system will have savings separated from loans and will remove nearly all of the criminal potential involved in consumer deposits. Big banks will no longer be able use everyone’s money to create money out of thin air with fractional reserve banking. I expect many of the big banks to collapse and close most of their locations and those locations may turn into USPS Treasury locations. They will probably also sell stamps, boxes and take outgoing mail.
I expect every ATM will fairly quickly be replaced by Treasury ATMs, which will always be free. However, I expect the number of ATMs to drop, because cash will become less common once the people have more confidence in the new dollar and transaction capabilities.
Private banks can fail; the United States Treasury cannot. This is why there will be almost no resistance to the mass transferring of accounts to Treasury accounts. I believe this is also why for the past 20 years or so, the interest paid by banks for savings has been approximately 0%. This trained the entire younger generation that there is no benefit to having a savings account. With Treasury accounts, there is no interest paid. This social conditioning means people will perceive only upside in the move, because the Treasury can’t fail, but banks can.
If you’re a criminal and think identity theft or other financial transaction fraud is a great idea, I think you’ll be in for a surprise. The penalties will be severe! You’ll be defrauding the United States Treasury and I don’t think you’re going to easily find an opponent with less of a sense of humor about crime. I think they’ll put your ass in jail for a very long time just to show everyone else what not to do.
With the majority of the consumer cash in Treasury accounts, a few interesting and remarkably disruptive things can happen. First, the Treasury can perform transactions in real-time and for free. No longer are businesses tied to private credit card companies and merchant providers. If you are a citizen, you can transact — full stop. State and federal taxes can be automated using a tightly regulated protocol for transactions. This means filing certain types of tax returns — like sales tax — may vanish completely. All you have to do is categorize your sales transactions properly and it just happens. The exception is cash sales, which would need to be tracked as they are today. Perhaps excluding cash transactions from sales tax is a net win in order to eliminate the filing requirements completely.
Credit unions have been promoted very hard for the last five years — I believe this was done in anticipation of these coming changes. The credit unions and private lenders will help take the place of bank loans. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are already there for housing loans. I believe the Treasury system will have seamless integration for those customers who want to be able to transfer money between their credit union accounts and Treasury accounts. I believe this will be free of charge.
Bank reconciliation will be real-time. The age of floating deposits or having to wait for one or more days until a transaction clears will be permanently over.
Fractional charges are possible. This is a game changer for online publishing and consumer sales behavior. I estimate the cost of each transaction to the government will be a few 10,000ths of a penny. This means the government could easily allow consumers to price transactions using 1,000ths of a penny. So imagine the possibilities if you could charge tiny amounts for things, like viewing an article or video. Imagine being able to subscribe to a channel for $1/month without the fees eating you alive. Suddenly, consumer data exchange is both affordable and profitable. All of this with no middlemen and no fees. Rounding errors will just sit in your account if you try to withdraw all of your money as cash. Internally, the rounding errors are all legitimate money sitting in the Treasury database.
Providing transaction services requires identity authentication. This is essentially the same thing as user authentication, so Treasury may also provide this as a service to any system on the internet. Authentication can be done so that the service you are using would not know who you are, but they would know that you were authentic and legally accountable in case of crime. They would be able to charge you without knowing anything about you. This would end most private information theft and scams because nobody can do anything nefarious without being instantly findable if they commit crimes. If this makes its way all the way to email, say goodbye to spam and spam-based hacking. Those perpetrating this kind of thing would be doomed.
Make all of the big-brother arguments you like, but if this kind of system is shown to be free of corruption and is trustable, this is a huge win indeed.
If you’re worried about Big Brother, then use cash and only put the money you need into your Treasury account so you can transact online when you need to. This is as close as you’re ever going to get to limiting your liability against the government or private corporations.
While it would cost billions of dollars per year to maintain this kind of Treasury system, it would optimize the economy in the United States to previously unseen levels. It essentially removes almost all of the friction from commerce. The value to the economy would be magnitudes more valuable than the money required to maintain it. The rest of the planet would be forced to play along or be left behind. I believe this is why BRICS exists — they will do exactly the same thing and the systems will end up being 100% interoperable. Almost like someone was planning for this all along. Surprise!
At the same time, I believe Trump will end the Securities and Exchange Commission and treat stock crimes as any other fraud. It will be handled by the courts. With the Treasury accounts, companies can just sell their own stocks and make sure they’re doing it legally. Otherwise, someone can sue them and they can lose their ass. Also, since anyone can sell anything online, small businesses can just offer stock if they need infusions of cash for an investment. Buyer beware — freedom is risky.
The end result of the above financial changes will be a combination of the end of big banks, the end of Wall Street, previously unimagined conveniences and an economic boom of unthinkable proportions.
All because a President (Trump) is actually doing smart things. And he’ll go down in history for having done it.
Federal and State Government Reduction
I fully expect the federal government to be reduced in size and scope by at least 80% and possibly more than 90%. It won’t happen in one move, but I believe Trump will at least start the process with massive elimination of most functions of the federal government. This will put us back in line with what the Constitution actually says.
Since much of the state governments’ funding comes from federal programs (via income tax revenue), the states will also have to eliminate much of their operations.
But don’t fret - most of the money the federal and state governments spend isn’t spent well. It is largely organized graft, which I believe has already been eliminated. I don’t believe anyone is going to lose benefits like Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid. I think the government is going to end up with a surplus and all of those liabilities will be covered.
I do expect Social Security to come to an end, however. It is just another tax that the federal government shouldn’t be collecting and another ponzi scheme that should be eliminated. The interest income model of business should die a silent and rapid death because it boils down to an unethical ponzi scheme. This is how bankers became rich.
It will be fun to watch Babylon fall.
Internal Revenue Apocalypse
Hunter Biden is currently charged with 17 IRS tax evasion charges and stands to spend 17 years in jail. What is it with all these 17’s?
Likely in 2024, I think Hunter’s attorneys will argue that the Sixteenth Amendment wasn’t ratified properly and therefore Hunter doesn’t owe taxes. This will be laughed out of the lower courts and will be appealed to the Supreme Court, which has never ruled on this specific issue directly.
I think there’s a very good chance the Supreme Court will rule that the Sixteenth Amendment was never ratified properly, freeing Hunter from his tax charges. I expect a SCOTUS ruling sometime in or after 2025 — after the above Treasury accounts become usable. I believe they will also rule that the government is required to repay all income taxes paid back to any living taxpayer — “fraud vitiates everything”. This will further get people using the Treasury accounts instead of bank accounts.
I can almost hear the emotional thinkers objecting to my predictions. Scoff all you like. We are living in unprecedented times and it will only get weirder.
Will the government be able to repay all of this debt? Sure. The Treasury can create money and deposit into Treasury accounts with the stroke of keyboard. Easy peasy. Also, don’t forget that most of the money that exists in the world has likely already been seized by the Treasury under the executive orders Trump signed. So money isn’t exactly a problem. In fact, I expect the Treasury to end up with a huge surplus after the dust settles.
Other than removing income tax completely, I know of no better way to make the economy take off like a rocket a UFO a UAP than to give society’s most productive members more money. The economic result will be that the economy will grow vigorously with the investment this change will cause. Other countries will be forced to do the same thing or the United States will own their asses, and they know it.
And, of course, Trump will be credited with the change even though he won’t have been the source of it. History is weird like that.
How will the government be funded without the IRS? Well, first, I think around 90% or more of the federal government will be disappeared by Trump. He’ll have the biggest mandate from the public in US history to do so. Second, I think the government and states will be funded primarily by luxury sales taxes. I hope property taxes disappear as well because it is essentially paying rent to the government for property you don’t actually own.
Speaking of taxes and the VTOL vehicles I mentioned: Did you know that roughly 15% of the taxes in the United States go to road building and maintenance? If you eliminate roads, the tax burden gets even lower. You can do that with flying vehicles. More on that later…
Those sixteen freedom cities might end up being a pretty nice place to live.
Constitutional Amendments and Gort
I expect over time, we will see several amendments to the Constitution to clarify wording and add specific elements. For example, I expect to see the wording of the Second Amendment clarified so there can be no question about its purpose (people can own, use and carry weapons without governmental restrictions.)
I expect to see an amendment that specifically requires the military (Gort) to perform oversight in order to detect and help stop any corruption that can affect the proper functioning of the republic. The surveillance system the military currently has is the most advanced in Human history and I believe it is far more extensive than even the visible experts understand. This technology isnt’ going to just go away. We either control it or we will be vulnerable to this problem rearing its ugly head in the future. I believe those in control know full well that they have to control it. A Constitutional Amendment is the correct way to do this.
These amendments may not happen quickly, but I expect them to happen as we go forward.
This whole article is some pretty extreme speculation. I hope you found it interesting and thought provoking.
- sapioplex
Paul, I am going to petition The Boss to invent a position for you or at least make you a Consultant to implement all the above!!
Excellent job and thanks for the humor throughout!
Love ya / Mean it, my fren!! ❤️
Good shit, Maynard!
I expected nothing less from you. No wonder why people call you "Smart Paul".