Sep 22, 2023Liked by Sapioplex

Brilliant.👏🏻 I can’t wait to see heads explode on TS if you share it there. 😆😆

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If people actually spend the time to fully understand it, yes. Melting heads.

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I am among those who don't think it has the promise you believe. The principal reason is because it limits disruption and disruptive ideas. Many ideas are advanced by single champions that run counter to accepted wisdom. For example, if society self-deluded itself to a degree on one subject, breaking the paradigm could only be done by an alternative society. If your longer document (which I obviously haven't read) addresses this, please let me know. I'm not talking about new ideas that intelligent people would agree on, but ideas that initially seem foolish and radical but may be necessary. As a further exploration of the thought, I suggest the science fiction book "The Player of Games" by Ian Banks, which compares and posits a clash between two different cultures, one of which seems to be governed as you describe.

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