I agree that it does look a little like CIA, but I'm going to leave that one out. (Too much detail will detract from the clearer messaging.)
I've found that when decoding these symbols, the authors appear to have gone to great lengths to make sure that anyone trying to decode it find a wide separation between things that are to be decoded and things that are just "scenery". I feel if they'd wanted this to indicate "CIA", it would have looked more like "CIA".
That said, it would make perfect sense that GWB was involved with the CIA since his father, GHWB, was a former CIA director (and one hell of an asshat.) And GHWB was likely involved in JFK's assassination. It goes on and on and on...
I don't really have wisdom about the heart cross section. But it does remind me a little bit of two children in a womb schematically. We know how much they like those.
And you asked about typos. I believe cummerbund was cumberbund for most of my life. Looks like a reference to Mandela effects although this is my first time seeing this one. A Bing search brought up a list for both. But only defaulted to the cummerbund spelling.
This is very interesting and I look forward to reading the rest of the series. Here is a typo, since you asked "0:56 Checkerboard floor - Masonic reference. The Masons or are involved with controlling education." 'or' doesn't appear to belong.
A couple thoughts - the split brain could also show how we are not in balance - brain coherence is indicative of mental & physical health, the 2 sides unified. Schools today push the emotional side and neglect rational thinking. Also the heart is shown as merely a pump, which is absolutely is not. Our hearts are so powerful; electromagnetic field of the heart being even more powerful than the brain. To be in touch with one's open heart, a heart in coherence, is in touch with the divine spirit within, which is necessary to defeat evil. Do not be fooled into thinking the heart is merely a mechanical pump.
You may be right about the heart, but without a clearer set of information about the meaning, I'm not confident in it. When I didn't feel I had a really good rationalization about why things were portrayed as they were, I left them without an analysis. That heart really isn't clear to me.
One thing I noticed while doing this is that when something can be properly decoded, they have presented it in a way that (with some research), it CAN be decoded and the decoding is usually pretty obvious once you understand the overall story line (and a ton of background history and other information.)
And no, hearts aren't just pumps. :) (There are 7 other hearts in the video, by the way! I'm not sure about the hearts on the chalkboard either.)
You asked for help on 3 heart on chalkboard. Hearts represent love-God is love-trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Hangman on chalkboard. Latin meaning to fly up or out, rapture of the church. 0:55-snowflakes, not one is the same-individuality just as God made humans. Clock shows midnight-time of rapture is at the door. 0:36 Could this depict war against the Christians? Predator firing missles at home with cross in upper window? Owl on the wall. The wise will understand. Daniel 12:10. Also, Trump is referred to as Goat. On Truth Social the very 1st post on 2/21/22 was made by bkcttu. On 6/14/23 he posted happy birthday, then a picture of a goat. I have read a book which I cannot remember the name of (sorry) but it was all about how Trump is the goat spoken of in Daniel chapter 8. Another random thought, the dunce cap on Bush-shape of a pyramid. 0:54 split brain on wall. Good vs evil-our spiritual nature against our sinful nature at war with each other. The dragon-Satan. Many references in bible to this. 0:54 heart on wall-see Ezekiel 36:26. Back to the beginning-the barcode representing the mark of the beast is mainly about commerce. No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark. Could the bell around the goat's neck be a warning bell? Could the goat be warning us? That's all I've got for now, my brain is starting to hurt, got to take a break from this. Please let me know what you think about my hypothesis.
Slow down. Don't try to find all of the meanings at once. Focus on a single element and do a lot of searching without getting distracted on other elements.
Most of the points you made above are confused because you are trying to make conclusioms with insufficient breadth of understanding of all of it.
Thanks for the reply. These ideas just came like a flood. I am a bible believing christian. I know we are in the last day’s. Do any of you ever use the bible as a reference? It still holds Future prophecy. It’s at least worth a look don’t you think?
Great analysis. Couple of points I wanted to mention:
- snowflakes fall into the camp in the first shot. When they arrive at camp they melt.
- OZ refers to both specie and the film, as the original book was written as a metaphor about society and its relationship to currency. (Yellow brick road, lion (rulers) without heart, scarecrow (farmers) without brain, etc. in the end a feeble old man manipulated his voice to control all
- I believe that yin Yang symbol is for North Korea
- heart is displayed scientifically, representing the split between left and right brain thinking, as we are taught about the physical but the spiritual is absent. It also implies that left and right brain thinking (detail + holistic) plus passion and courage (heart) are needed to rebel but each has been malformed and cutoff
- apples also represent gifts for teachers from good students (showing appreciation) as well as knowledge from tree of life. Combining apple (knowledge) and lotus flower (presence) implies both eastern and western spiritual traditions must merge (knowledge + presence) and be given by student to teacher
- bit of a reach, but the dragon is seen as a snake (related to apple) with attachable legs/arms. The kegs and arms take on the appearance of quasi- symbols. I see one that looks like a swastika and another that looks like a ghost (spirit world) and the tail looks like a trident (ocean god?). That kind of dragon is Chinese so CCP surveillance society referenced
- the steel toe boot seems important
Amazing work. Let me know what you think about my suggestions. Keep up the incredible work!!
Your points are all potentially valid, as this kind of metaphorical decomposition is always speculative by the interpreter.
The comment about OZ is true, but I've also found another narrative in the Wizard of Oz and also many media references to it that tell yet another narrative. This same narrative is extremely common across a massive amount of stories and movies. It is basically a crude telling of the story of the last 170-or-so years through different lenses. Those who construct these narratives are extremely good at weaving multiple meanings into them.
The other points are such that I'd put them in the "I don't know" bucket, which is where most information goes... :)
I noticed the leaves but didn't feel it was direct enough to have a good tie in.
The three hearts could, indeed, be a reference to father, mother and child. There are tons of things that relate to 3 -- extremely popular number. Without a better tie, it is difficult to make that link.
1) The chalkboard hearts my be a pedo reference. Search “pedo symbols hearts”. 2) Surely someone else has already connected the white rabbit to adrenochrome 3) The head with a wound reminds me of Revelation 13:3, one of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded, but its fatal wound was healed, and the whole world was amazed and followed the beast.
1) The chalkboard hearts may be a pedo reference, but I was unable to find a clear justification for it. There are plenty of ways to depict that if that's what the authors intended, but they didn't. So I'm leaving it in the "unknown" category until there's a very strong justification.
2) There are indeed references to Adrenochrome for the rabbit, but, once again, there isn't a clear justification based on the depiction. It is also a deeper rabbit hole than I wanted to go down without a really strong justification there (lots of connections or very direct imagery.)
The vines on the back wall are a briar patch. The wiley rabbit is safe in the briar patch whereas other creatures get cut in the briar patch like the stag who is bleeding as he jumps out…
Another interpretation of the clock is that when Bush is hearing about the 2nd tower (fool me twice) it’s not the morning but high noon. - “an event or confrontation which is likely to decide the final outcome of a situation.”
Far be it for me to be exceedingly nit-picky when it comes to differences in interpretation from one reader/listener/viewer to another, particularly since my own arena of experience is as a genre fiction author and amateur mythologist. However, since you did welcome commentary, including disagreements of symbological interpretation, I would like to offer one here.
In your write-up regarding the dragon, at the 0:54 mark, you make note of the association between dragons and royal bloodlines stemming from ancient Egyptian Pharoah practices with crocodile fat rendered down into an oil and used to annoint rulers. While this practice was a real thing, I believe you may have either overlooked or not known that dragon iconography and legendary significance pre-date this Egyptian era.
Dragons appear in widespread lore and iconography before ancient Egypt, in ancient Mesopotamia, and did not attain any tie to royal or ruler bloodlines. Instead, the 'mighty mussushu', the first-born offspring of Tiamat, Mother of Monsters, was a dragon, a 'great serpent spouting fire from its jaws to scorch and devour all in its path'. When mussushu attacked the temple priests of Marduk, a god-king, Marduk rose up to defend his clergy and beat mussushu into a pulp. But rather than kill the dragon, he tamed it, and made of it his pet, but routinely had to beat the beast, as it often decided to get rebellious and take swipes at him.
The lesson given in many of these myths boils down to this: 'great beasts and powers CAN be put to righteous use, but must always be used cautiously and kept an eye on, lest they cause damage to the good'.
I would imagine this messaging is more relevant in "I, Pet Goat II", particularly given the dragon's proximity to the right half of the split brain. Right-brain thought processes have a tendency toward being responsible for creativity and emotional decision-making, which, while creativity could be useful for figuring out how to deploy power, is possibly disastrous if emotional thinking is used to wield such power. The institutional emphasis in recent years upon 'Social-emotional learning', which relegates logic and reason to the sideline, could be implied as well by the classroom imagery.
But again, I'm a simple storyteller and mythologist, and have spent nowhere near the kind of time you've put in here. I hope to drop some more feedback your way, Sapio. May this comment find you well.
I'm seeing Lilly as in an introverted, meditative state. IMO it is the only ay to get true clarity because of the thickness of deception, lies, fog. We need to discern from all aspects and tackle this from all aspects. Natural 3D, Spiritual, discernment through meditative prayer (subconscious), Intellectual (gathering of info) and continual physical cleansing and energetic clearing, healing. I think she became aware of her surroundings and subtleties within because she went inward. I believe this is telling us all we need to apply this aspect of life or we will miss some crucial elements.
I'm seeing Lilly as in an introverted, meditative state. IMO it is the only ay to get true clarity because of the thickness of deception, lies, fog. We need to discern from all aspects and tackle this from all aspects. Natural 3D, Spiritual, discernment through meditative prayer (subconscious), Intellectual (gathering of info) and continual physical cleansing and energetic clearing, healing. I think she became aware of her surroundings and subtleties within because she went inward. I believe this is telling us all we need to apply this aspect of life or we will miss some crucial elements.
I'm seeing Lilly as in an introverted, meditative state. IMO it is the only ay to get true clarity because of the thickness of deception, lies, fog. We need to discern from all aspects and tackle this from all aspects. Natural 3D, Spiritual, discernment through meditative prayer (subconscious), Intellectual (gathering of info) and continual physical cleansing and energetic clearing, healing. I think she became aware of her surroundings and subtleties within because she went inward. I believe this is telling us all we need to apply this aspect of life or we will miss some crucial elements.
I’m in awe of all of all the details you managed to connect. Ty.
If I may, I’d like to add one detail you hadn’t mentioned which might add further context to GWB’s role.
At 00:37 while sitting on the chair GWB’s left eyebrow looks like the letters “CIA”.
I agree that it does look a little like CIA, but I'm going to leave that one out. (Too much detail will detract from the clearer messaging.)
I've found that when decoding these symbols, the authors appear to have gone to great lengths to make sure that anyone trying to decode it find a wide separation between things that are to be decoded and things that are just "scenery". I feel if they'd wanted this to indicate "CIA", it would have looked more like "CIA".
That said, it would make perfect sense that GWB was involved with the CIA since his father, GHWB, was a former CIA director (and one hell of an asshat.) And GHWB was likely involved in JFK's assassination. It goes on and on and on...
Thanks, though!
You’re welcome. And you’re certainly right that the conveying of a coherent narrative in a piece like you are putting together is challenging enough.
Thx again.
I don't really have wisdom about the heart cross section. But it does remind me a little bit of two children in a womb schematically. We know how much they like those.
And you asked about typos. I believe cummerbund was cumberbund for most of my life. Looks like a reference to Mandela effects although this is my first time seeing this one. A Bing search brought up a list for both. But only defaulted to the cummerbund spelling.
This is very interesting and I look forward to reading the rest of the series. Here is a typo, since you asked "0:56 Checkerboard floor - Masonic reference. The Masons or are involved with controlling education." 'or' doesn't appear to belong.
A couple thoughts - the split brain could also show how we are not in balance - brain coherence is indicative of mental & physical health, the 2 sides unified. Schools today push the emotional side and neglect rational thinking. Also the heart is shown as merely a pump, which is absolutely is not. Our hearts are so powerful; electromagnetic field of the heart being even more powerful than the brain. To be in touch with one's open heart, a heart in coherence, is in touch with the divine spirit within, which is necessary to defeat evil. Do not be fooled into thinking the heart is merely a mechanical pump.
"Or" removed! Thank you for spotting that.
You may be right about the heart, but without a clearer set of information about the meaning, I'm not confident in it. When I didn't feel I had a really good rationalization about why things were portrayed as they were, I left them without an analysis. That heart really isn't clear to me.
One thing I noticed while doing this is that when something can be properly decoded, they have presented it in a way that (with some research), it CAN be decoded and the decoding is usually pretty obvious once you understand the overall story line (and a ton of background history and other information.)
And no, hearts aren't just pumps. :) (There are 7 other hearts in the video, by the way! I'm not sure about the hearts on the chalkboard either.)
You asked for help on 3 heart on chalkboard. Hearts represent love-God is love-trinity. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Hangman on chalkboard. Latin meaning to fly up or out, rapture of the church. 0:55-snowflakes, not one is the same-individuality just as God made humans. Clock shows midnight-time of rapture is at the door. 0:36 Could this depict war against the Christians? Predator firing missles at home with cross in upper window? Owl on the wall. The wise will understand. Daniel 12:10. Also, Trump is referred to as Goat. On Truth Social the very 1st post on 2/21/22 was made by bkcttu. On 6/14/23 he posted happy birthday, then a picture of a goat. I have read a book which I cannot remember the name of (sorry) but it was all about how Trump is the goat spoken of in Daniel chapter 8. Another random thought, the dunce cap on Bush-shape of a pyramid. 0:54 split brain on wall. Good vs evil-our spiritual nature against our sinful nature at war with each other. The dragon-Satan. Many references in bible to this. 0:54 heart on wall-see Ezekiel 36:26. Back to the beginning-the barcode representing the mark of the beast is mainly about commerce. No one will be able to buy or sell without the mark. Could the bell around the goat's neck be a warning bell? Could the goat be warning us? That's all I've got for now, my brain is starting to hurt, got to take a break from this. Please let me know what you think about my hypothesis.
Slow down. Don't try to find all of the meanings at once. Focus on a single element and do a lot of searching without getting distracted on other elements.
Most of the points you made above are confused because you are trying to make conclusioms with insufficient breadth of understanding of all of it.
Rince and repeat FOR YEARS. And the do it more...
Thanks for the reply. These ideas just came like a flood. I am a bible believing christian. I know we are in the last day’s. Do any of you ever use the bible as a reference? It still holds Future prophecy. It’s at least worth a look don’t you think?
Great analysis. Couple of points I wanted to mention:
- snowflakes fall into the camp in the first shot. When they arrive at camp they melt.
- OZ refers to both specie and the film, as the original book was written as a metaphor about society and its relationship to currency. (Yellow brick road, lion (rulers) without heart, scarecrow (farmers) without brain, etc. in the end a feeble old man manipulated his voice to control all
- I believe that yin Yang symbol is for North Korea
- heart is displayed scientifically, representing the split between left and right brain thinking, as we are taught about the physical but the spiritual is absent. It also implies that left and right brain thinking (detail + holistic) plus passion and courage (heart) are needed to rebel but each has been malformed and cutoff
- apples also represent gifts for teachers from good students (showing appreciation) as well as knowledge from tree of life. Combining apple (knowledge) and lotus flower (presence) implies both eastern and western spiritual traditions must merge (knowledge + presence) and be given by student to teacher
- bit of a reach, but the dragon is seen as a snake (related to apple) with attachable legs/arms. The kegs and arms take on the appearance of quasi- symbols. I see one that looks like a swastika and another that looks like a ghost (spirit world) and the tail looks like a trident (ocean god?). That kind of dragon is Chinese so CCP surveillance society referenced
- the steel toe boot seems important
Amazing work. Let me know what you think about my suggestions. Keep up the incredible work!!
Your points are all potentially valid, as this kind of metaphorical decomposition is always speculative by the interpreter.
The comment about OZ is true, but I've also found another narrative in the Wizard of Oz and also many media references to it that tell yet another narrative. This same narrative is extremely common across a massive amount of stories and movies. It is basically a crude telling of the story of the last 170-or-so years through different lenses. Those who construct these narratives are extremely good at weaving multiple meanings into them.
The other points are such that I'd put them in the "I don't know" bucket, which is where most information goes... :)
Woozy goat head...drugged "kid"?
A baby goat = kid
Yes, the goat would be a 'kid' if it is a baby goat. I didn't see any ties to that so I didn't mention it (if I recall correctly.)
“ iteself “
Thanks for this - corrected.
The red apple has a green leaf (life or living) and the black leaf (death or dead) the knowledge in the apple is about life or death.
The three hearts big, medium-sized and smaller could be a father, mother and child.
I noticed the leaves but didn't feel it was direct enough to have a good tie in.
The three hearts could, indeed, be a reference to father, mother and child. There are tons of things that relate to 3 -- extremely popular number. Without a better tie, it is difficult to make that link.
1) The chalkboard hearts my be a pedo reference. Search “pedo symbols hearts”. 2) Surely someone else has already connected the white rabbit to adrenochrome 3) The head with a wound reminds me of Revelation 13:3, one of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded, but its fatal wound was healed, and the whole world was amazed and followed the beast.
1) The chalkboard hearts may be a pedo reference, but I was unable to find a clear justification for it. There are plenty of ways to depict that if that's what the authors intended, but they didn't. So I'm leaving it in the "unknown" category until there's a very strong justification.
2) There are indeed references to Adrenochrome for the rabbit, but, once again, there isn't a clear justification based on the depiction. It is also a deeper rabbit hole than I wanted to go down without a really strong justification there (lots of connections or very direct imagery.)
3) Which head?
The vines on the back wall are a briar patch. The wiley rabbit is safe in the briar patch whereas other creatures get cut in the briar patch like the stag who is bleeding as he jumps out…
I like this. It also fits with the rabbit being a trickster, which is already in there.
I have a VHS copy of Song of the South -- for posterity, of course!
Another interpretation of the clock is that when Bush is hearing about the 2nd tower (fool me twice) it’s not the morning but high noon. - “an event or confrontation which is likely to decide the final outcome of a situation.”
I'm not sure I follow what you're getting at.
Far be it for me to be exceedingly nit-picky when it comes to differences in interpretation from one reader/listener/viewer to another, particularly since my own arena of experience is as a genre fiction author and amateur mythologist. However, since you did welcome commentary, including disagreements of symbological interpretation, I would like to offer one here.
In your write-up regarding the dragon, at the 0:54 mark, you make note of the association between dragons and royal bloodlines stemming from ancient Egyptian Pharoah practices with crocodile fat rendered down into an oil and used to annoint rulers. While this practice was a real thing, I believe you may have either overlooked or not known that dragon iconography and legendary significance pre-date this Egyptian era.
Dragons appear in widespread lore and iconography before ancient Egypt, in ancient Mesopotamia, and did not attain any tie to royal or ruler bloodlines. Instead, the 'mighty mussushu', the first-born offspring of Tiamat, Mother of Monsters, was a dragon, a 'great serpent spouting fire from its jaws to scorch and devour all in its path'. When mussushu attacked the temple priests of Marduk, a god-king, Marduk rose up to defend his clergy and beat mussushu into a pulp. But rather than kill the dragon, he tamed it, and made of it his pet, but routinely had to beat the beast, as it often decided to get rebellious and take swipes at him.
The lesson given in many of these myths boils down to this: 'great beasts and powers CAN be put to righteous use, but must always be used cautiously and kept an eye on, lest they cause damage to the good'.
I would imagine this messaging is more relevant in "I, Pet Goat II", particularly given the dragon's proximity to the right half of the split brain. Right-brain thought processes have a tendency toward being responsible for creativity and emotional decision-making, which, while creativity could be useful for figuring out how to deploy power, is possibly disastrous if emotional thinking is used to wield such power. The institutional emphasis in recent years upon 'Social-emotional learning', which relegates logic and reason to the sideline, could be implied as well by the classroom imagery.
But again, I'm a simple storyteller and mythologist, and have spent nowhere near the kind of time you've put in here. I hope to drop some more feedback your way, Sapio. May this comment find you well.
Hand singles by Bush starting around 44 seconds, know what he’s signing?
I'm seeing Lilly as in an introverted, meditative state. IMO it is the only ay to get true clarity because of the thickness of deception, lies, fog. We need to discern from all aspects and tackle this from all aspects. Natural 3D, Spiritual, discernment through meditative prayer (subconscious), Intellectual (gathering of info) and continual physical cleansing and energetic clearing, healing. I think she became aware of her surroundings and subtleties within because she went inward. I believe this is telling us all we need to apply this aspect of life or we will miss some crucial elements.
I'm seeing Lilly as in an introverted, meditative state. IMO it is the only ay to get true clarity because of the thickness of deception, lies, fog. We need to discern from all aspects and tackle this from all aspects. Natural 3D, Spiritual, discernment through meditative prayer (subconscious), Intellectual (gathering of info) and continual physical cleansing and energetic clearing, healing. I think she became aware of her surroundings and subtleties within because she went inward. I believe this is telling us all we need to apply this aspect of life or we will miss some crucial elements.
I'm seeing Lilly as in an introverted, meditative state. IMO it is the only ay to get true clarity because of the thickness of deception, lies, fog. We need to discern from all aspects and tackle this from all aspects. Natural 3D, Spiritual, discernment through meditative prayer (subconscious), Intellectual (gathering of info) and continual physical cleansing and energetic clearing, healing. I think she became aware of her surroundings and subtleties within because she went inward. I believe this is telling us all we need to apply this aspect of life or we will miss some crucial elements.